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Everything posted by soup

  1. At the end of Act I in Diablo 2 and started Peacewalker.
  2. GoW3 was uninspired filth. After beating it, there's nothing I can remember about that game. I only really remember the opening sequence.
  3. 10 years later and Diablo 2 is still king. Diablo 3 can't come soon enough.
  4. Res Mod: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=1VYVGUVA 1.12 Patch: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=HPP4YTC0
  5. 720 1680x1050 The HUD and Inventory are a little ugly and the game is a little glitchy in 1680x1050 so I've dropped down to 720 and it's been great, can't want to spend more time with it.
  6. How does it look? It looks pretty good. It's nice not being limited to the 800x600 default resolution. I'll post some screens later tonight.
  7. Thinking about picking up the Diablo II Battlechest later today, anyone know of any High Res mods? Playing in 800x600
  8. I was lucky enough to play Uncharted 2 the weekend before it's actual release. GoW3 just didn't do it for me.
  9. That shit was great my first time. The Jeep part owns
  10. When 2 grown men gang up on Retri he feels like he's a winner. Gay or not, you decide.
  11. I guess in this case that makes "owning" very suitable for DoWII. RetriHBR
  12. Yeah, Wii games don't even look as good as PS2 titles DoWII .
  13. Must be nice to finally enjoy 2007 titles in 2010.
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