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Posts posted by soup

  1. BeastC is so godly that only in 2010 can you play 2008 titles at their expected performance.

    Lmao. I have to say I'm kinda glad console gaming took over. It's less expensive on the PC upgrading. :ben: It's a mixed bag there are games on PC that are incredibly optimized, RE5 and ME2 come to mind.

    Cus they look like PS2 games

    As if DoWII is some sort of graphical masterpiece. :ben:
  2. Just learn his patterns or did you forget how to play games? :ben:

    I only fought him once :ben: Gonna grind some souls then upgrade my magic and strength.

    It's been a long ass time since I played a challenging game :meh:

    Yeah, you'll get the jist of it and all will be well. I think it's 4-2 that has the best grinding spot in the game. Scope out some YouTube videos for reference.
  3. Crysis was pretty boring, Warhead was more entertaining IMO. The Witcher could never get my attention long enough for me to play for more than an hour or 2, same goes for STALKER but I really want to try and get into STALKER soon. I really enjoyed DAO though and if you're into the genre it's something I recommend over all of the other titles.

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