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Posts posted by soup

  1. It is done, the world of Alrest has been saved.


    After 93 hours I can shelve Xenoblade 2, it was an alright game. The story and design of the last half of the game definitely propels you to see a conclusion. I'm not mad I spent as much time with the game but it definitely has it faults. It'll probably never be a game I can happily recommend despite actually enjoying it because the game never really does anything but ask of the player, very rarely are you actually rewarded for your time invested and when you are it's immediately overshadowed by having to go back to play the game.


    - 99% of character designs are terrible

    - Combat is serviceable if you play a tank class, pretty meh if you try and play DPS

    - The world is not fun to traverse

    - Performance is terrrrrrible 

    - GACHA RNG Blade system isn't fun 

    - UI/Menus is bad, often times tedious


    + Some memorable characters 

    + Genuinely enjoyed the "journey"


    At the end of the day it's as average as they come. Had this game baked for another 6-12 months it could've been something special. :yeshrug:

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  2. 40 minutes ago, kokujin said:

    :/ damn that's hella sad.  Ok so what about giant overwhelming overleveled monsters?? They're not existent?? If they're not hunts.. Wtf do you do?? Guess I'll buy this cheap.

    I mean there are level 80+ monsters that one shot you but it's more of an annoyance than anything else. It's your run of the mill jrpg. Boy meets girl, they make friends, journey to save a dying world.

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  3. 22 minutes ago, kokujin said:

    Hmmm. Sad. You may be being honest. Guess the game is not low balled in score.


    Map is bad??? Thought it was vast and sprawling. How are hunts, (numerous??) and side quests??

    Bad in how it relays information to the player, guess it's more that the level design isn't great. Haven't seen a hunt and sidequests are what you'd expect out of a game like this. "I need # of X" and all that make the usual appearance. 

  4. Meaning it's a mixed bag, I like it despite its flaws but the game borderline asks you not to like it half the time. The map is pretty bad, the combat is servicable at the best of times and questionable at the worst, performance even in docked is dumpster for a game that isn't visually impressive. If not for my nostalgia for a JRPG in this vein i'd have stopped by now.

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