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Posts posted by soup

  1. ouch :D

    Yeah, it's no sleeper hit or nothing. :ben:

    i was kind of hoping it would be. though it did have that "generic" look. though the time-based feature sounded promising.

    The art style is really bland and the visuals are far from being considered eye candy. There were countless times where the texture on enemies wouldn't pop in. I was like DAYUM YO.

    It's a cool concept but there has been games that offered something to the same extent (not time based obv) and have done it way better. It's almost exactly like BioShock, the similarities only make the game worse since BS offered a MUCH better atmosphere.

  2. Decided to download Singularity yesterday, games OK. Nothing worth writing home about, just feels like BioShock.

    any time-based puzzles?

    A few, some are pretty neat and getting into some hidden areas requires you to speed up/rewind the age of objects which is kinda cool and unlike BioShock the Rifle actually handle well. The game is pretty ugly though. :ben:
  3. Playing thru Infamous right now.

    I stopped last night after doing all the side missions on the second island. I think I'm fixing to do the final mission of the second island, so that I can move onto the third island.

    I have a question regarding the upgrades you purchase, after I've maxed out my "good" meter and purchased all of those important upgrades, can I immediately be bad and fill that up so that I can purchase and have the "Bad" upgrades as well while still keeping my previous upgrades?

    Or am I so late into the game that I can't do that?

    I'm not sure if it's possible, but it would take a REALLY long time to get it accomplished. You're really better off playing the game twice.
  4. Button mashing garbage. You should pick up Resonance of Fate, bruh.

    Eh maybe. I'm thinking Tales of Vesperia. I loved Symphonia back on the GC, and this looks pretty similar to it gameplay wise.

    They're probably the same exact game combat-wise. That stuff just gets awfully boring, if you want something active I've heard nothing but praise for RoF hence the recommendation.

    Valkyrie Profile 2 was a great game and it kept you involved every battle so I don't doubt RoFs praise.

  5. :-*

    Still playing Demon's Souls?

    I played NG+ for a bit then I started on Valkyria Chronicles. Got pretty far but the battles were getting long. So I stopped so i can get started on FFXIII. I finished chapter 11 but I didn't leave gran pulse yet. I want do some CP grinding.

    Ah yeah, I should really get back into VC. I never knew it had a suspend feature until someone here brought it up and some battles would take WAY too long.
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