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Everything posted by soup

  1. I would've also accepted "The one that's about to ban you, BAM"
  2. I would only use Sazh and Vanille for most of the game and it got to the point where everyone else had 999,999 CP and I didn't realize it capped out until the end of the game. So I potentially lost millions of CP for all my other characters. :]
  3. Get your 20 bucks back if you can. It's really not worth finishing, I wish I could have those 40 hours back. :(
  4. no i mean reach. u wana mp or coop first fine we'll mess with the map editor first I'm a grown man now, I don't play games with children.
  5. It doesn't. It stops being mediocre after 25 hours and is a constant facepalm after.
  6. Collect some super soldiers and destroy omega 4, yo!
  7. ME2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> RDR Hardly, Rockstar might produce shitty overrated games but at least at their core they offer a playable experience. ME2 is more interesting. Has a great story that I found fascinating. Plus, my Commander Shepard was a badass and fun to play as. I played it like 2 and a half times. I dunno how Bioware can put out DA and ME2 so close to each other then make me wait so long for their next classic. At it's core ME2s story is garbage. It's nothing to get all glossy eyed over and every single mission type plays out exactly the same
  8. ME2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> RDR Hardly, Rockstar might produce shitty overrated games but at least at their core they offer a playable experience.
  9. Been playing Uncharted 2 and SSB: Melee a lot lately.
  10. Played through the first episode of LP2 and I'm definitely not playing much longer. Capcom.
  11. Picked up a used copy of Lost Planet 2 so I can return it within the next 7 days. This game is pretty awful.
  12. soup

    It's not necessarily something I take pride in but thanks. :ben:

  13. The levels were pretty barren but you weren't in them for that long and there was enough enemies to coast you from point A to point B so it never got to me too much. The lack on camera control got to be a bit annoying during the very few platforming-esque areas.
  14. When you fight that football dude I had the:ben: face going on through that entire cutscene Lmao, yeah that's the one I was talking about. Pretty sure it was 25 Easily one of the most memorable moments this gen for me
  15. I had the biggest smile on my face during #25. I felt so happy.
  16. Nah, they even mention it within the first 15 minutes. Sylvia Christel is like "Not everyone here has played the first one".
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