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Posts posted by soup

  1. Didn't Mike play like 40 hours of ME2? :D

    ME2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> RDR Hardly, Rockstar might produce shitty overrated games but at least at their core they offer a playable experience.

    ME2 is more interesting. Has a great story that I found fascinating. Plus, my Commander Shepard was a badass and fun to play as. I played it like 2 and a half times. I dunno how Bioware can put out DA and ME2 so close to each other then make me wait so long for their next classic.

    At it's core ME2s story is garbage. It's nothing to get all glossy eyed over and every single mission type plays out exactly the same. I can understand one appreciating the universe more but that's about all ME2 has going for it.
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