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Everything posted by soup

  1. It's got a really great sense of immature humor. The combat isn't anything groundbreaking but it works and it's just straight over the top. Should've been AAA TBH.
  2. The chick assassin owned too, I forget her name though.
  3. I did the same with MGS4 and Demon's Souls, must have something to do with how godly PS3 exclusives are.
  4. Yeah, such a godly game. I've beaten it well over 4 times and I still keep going back from time to time. It's been awhile for me now so it feels new again.
  5. Just got into some UC2 the other day as well. Getting back into TF2 as well, not playing for 2 weeks was an awful idea.
  6. They do a good job at keeping the game fresh too since you're constantly switching characters, some far more helpless then others.
  7. Yeah, same here. Maybe I'll just play through SIREN again.
  8. I can't say which is better (SIREN vs FF4) since I haven't really put any time into FF4 but SIREN has much quicker gameplay. That's the one thing I don't like about FF4.
  9. You ever get your Wii modded? Think you'd appreciate FF4.
  10. WipeoutHD 3D patch is out for those of you faggots who play it.
  11. The Witcher starts off so strong but by the time I finish the Prologue I don't want to continue, the first chapter is so boring.
  12. yes! http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDISgASQ2Yk 720
  13. They should just rerelease a MGS pack, MGS3HD would look nice.
  14. Decided to play some Uncharted 2 while I wait for my Witcher download.
  15. I should be given an award for stickying this thread. Just sayin'.
  16. Spirit Tracks is an overall better game but for some reason it couldn't hook me like PH did. To this day I haven't beaten ST.
  17. black sigil is the one with the high encounter rate. KitN isn't even in the same genre :] Yeah yeah, SPRG I get it. :(
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