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Everything posted by soup

  1. Is KitN the one with the insane encounter rate or is that Black Sigil? Getting my DS back this weekend and I wanted to have something after SJ.
  2. I hate playing on handhelds tho. ;( They can be a real drag, especially trying to play a 30+ hour RPG. I like to play my games in long sittings and staring at those tiny screens just makes me nauseous. But I'd puke 1,000,000 times for Devil Survivor.
  3. Or SEGA should steal the idea and put it to use in a 2D Sonic game. Canvas Curse on speed.
  4. Probably because it lacks a touchscreen... you know one of the DSs biggest selling points.
  5. Don't even know what Meteos is. Kindof want to play a good shmup, anyone feel like recommending me one?
  6. Puzzle games aren't my cup of tea, but i'll for some reason always give them a whirl. I dug the story book-esque cutscenes.
  7. :( I haven't played Portal since the OB, I don't think it'll have the same sense of charm it did back then. The credits caught me and 4 of my friends completely off guard and well obviously that wouldn't happen again. I'm sure it's still an enjoyable experience.
  8. Well at least I can understand why Lemmings find Portal to be a "flawless" experience, with attention spans as short as theirs anything longer then 2 hours would be too much.
  9. DarkElitist itt. bu it wuznt funny ;( donut hole eating faggot.
  10. I wish you could tweak the sensitivity is all. It definitely has a great vibe. I'll definitely give it another chance, just gotta get used to the whole flashlight thing.
  11. It froze on me the other day and I haven't played much of anything since then. I like the game I just hate the controls. They're really slow and battling with them can be a bit much, I only sank about an hour or so into it before it froze though but I really enjoyed what I played. I'll probably try and play some more tonight, it's either that or the Witcher.
  12. Dayum, I was hooked on RDR. Beat it in like 3 sittings, I wasn't dumb enough to go out and do everything though.
  13. If there's a sequel I'm sure they'll get it right. Game had a lot of potential and the atmosphere is top notch just a lot of other aspects are mediocre.
  14. it feels cluniky when you are up against a bunch of them. fortunately, the difficulty is pretty low..so that it's not a problem to move past each part. Yeah, I played on both Hard and Nightmare and never really felt "fucked" except for my first hour or so of Hard but that was because I wasted bullets on enemies who still had the shadow shit on themm :|D
  15. Cousin offered me his WoW account, think I might jump on it.
  16. The combat isn't bad when you're up against a few Shadows at a time. Stuff like the Harvester, that ball thing and pretty much every other object that gets tossed at you can be pretty tedious or far too easy though.
  17. The really dark hole ridden bridges blow ass too, as well as every driving part.
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