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Everything posted by soup

  1. Fatal Frame is probably the slowest game I've ever played, it shows a lot of potential and promise but I don't know if I'll be able to work over my constant Wiimote hate.
  2. The first 3 chapters in AW are really short, the last 3 get pretty long and the 6th one is too long.
  3. Adding Fatal Frame to my USB drive so I can play it when I get back from the City, don't let me down Twinblade. Please.
  4. game is so damn addicting and at the worst times too Faggots and I mean that with the least amount of fanboyism one can attach to a word.
  5. I got to the Alien spaceship thing and haven't touched it since. The whole zero g shit was nifty but that part is SO AWFUL
  6. Can't blame him really, Crysis was pretty boring. ADHeaD was better.
  7. Skip Crysis and play Warhead, it's paced way better. A lot less boring moments. And Braid kinda blows, don't get the appeal TBH.
  8. I'll get back to it soon. Maybe try and play Witcher prior, Twinblade kinda got me excited for FF4 so that's definitely what I want to play next.
  9. Yeah, losing some equipment kinda blew when I schlepped my save over but thats not why I never finished it. Seems that all the games I hyped I just avoided. Still need to play Strange Journey ontop of DAO Expansion.
  10. Still haven't done much in the expansion, kinda sad really. :(
  11. The tutorial was pretty standard but once you left the Castle and made your way to the Grey Wardens I thought it was a constant UPHILL ADVENTCHA
  12. Before DA, I would have said this was the best WRPG of the gen. It's definitely worth playing, especially with The Witcher 2 coming out next year and using the import save feature. Yeah, I'm definitely going to give it another shot now that I'm pretty much caught up with games for the year. DA had just come out the last time I tried playing.. one thing led to the next and well.
  13. Nah, "blew" might've been too harsh. It was definitely really slow though and I didn't give it much of a shot.
  14. Don't think I saw a time frame in your post so my response is a simple FUK U
  15. Was going to get into the Witcher too, let me know how long it takes to get good. The first few chapters blew.
  16. You can play it off the site too, no need to download.
  17. There's a demo on the website if you wanted to see what the puzzles were like.
  18. I have AP sitting on my desktop, only played for like 10 or 15 minutes but I didn't like it at all.
  19. Aiight, building myself quite a list of games to play so I'll eventually try it out.
  20. I'll give it a whirl, I mean I don't like open world games and RDR has become one of my favorite games this year so. Watched some videos on Fatal Frame and I'm really stoked to play it.
  21. Was thinking about giving it a whirl after I tried out Fatal Frame but I think i'll avoid it. I didn't like the first one and if this is the current consensus then fuk it.
  22. Bah, will get into it over the week. Don't fail me TB.
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