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Everything posted by soup

  1. How big is the game? Lent out my 8GB USB stick and have a few 1s sitting around
  2. Cuz it sux? After Alan Wake I find myself jonesin for some SH even more.
  3. The 4th and 5th chapters were great the 6th one felt too long.
  4. Spent a good amount of time with RDR over the weekend and I'm really diggin' it. Kinda surprised TBH, these open world games usually don't do it for me but something about the authenticity of the world, shooting Mexicans and Indians just gets me all excited. Not to mention being able fast travel.
  5. XIII has a promising start but falls face first about half way.
  6. NICE D, YO D, U DA MAN D. I'll probably get it tomorrow.
  7. Decided to shrug off the last 3 chapters of Alan Wake on Nightmare and get into a NG+ of Persona 4. Chie
  8. He's brushing up on his English literature while saving his wife, that's pretty manly imo.
  9. Al shows Bill Paxton a thing or two about Twisters though and I mean I don't mean to sound gay but Bill Paxton is pretty much a god.
  10. ****as gotta slow down his opponents, wut a bitch.
  11. Pffft, only faggots need all that equipment. Alan got nothing more than some dirty clothes.
  12. Even the driving parts in AW are a much better experience then Dead Space. Just kidding, those driving parts were terrible.
  13. Aww Shiii I thought so anyway, though I'd trade HUDs in a second.
  14. Alan Wakes auto aim is a bit much. Trying to aim at explosive barrels with 2 or 3 Taken on screen can be such a hassle.
  15. The HUD ruins the cinematic feel it tries to put out. It's always there and it's pretty up in your face, wish they had a fading one. :(
  16. Yeah, sometimes the way they pan the camera can just make it awkward in tight spots. They should've given players more freedom with controls.
  17. I can understand the writing and animations but gameplay? Unless you mean repetitive then I get that too.
  18. I was only fucking with Mike, I'm interested in RDR I just don't want to pay for it.
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