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Everything posted by soup

  1. It's pretty easy to run from encounters, just shine your flashlight at the enemies and they'll stop moving long enough for you to get a good reach away to rinse and repeat. I ran from that Axe dude in Ch. 2 because I had no bullets.
  2. Yeah. :( Not really a spoiler but figured I'd hide it anyway. Spoiler LMAO at walking through deserted ass streets only to have cars chucked at you. Thinking about it now, I'm really diggin' it.
  3. I couldn't put the game down from chpt 4 to 6 If I didn't have to get up early I wouldn't have put it down, Chapter 3 was pretty ownage. Wish it had a fading HUD though.
  4. Yeah the one dude is big 2 shotgun blasts didnt take him down. I didnt know you can run away. But they bombard me:sacred: The knife dudes take 2 bullets to kill with the handgun so just take out those guys first.
  5. Is that the part where you're getting chased by the big dude with the axe? I had just enough ammo to kill his cronies and run by.
  6. Lmao, I doubt it'll get to the point where I find it unplayable but it can be a bit extreme. Every area being a dark forest doesn't help its case.
  7. After getting to Ch. 4 in AW those repetitive complaints I heard so much about are becoming more and more apparent. I'm still enjoying it though, excited to see whats up next.
  8. A simple no would've been enough, not trying to write your biography. FAG. That sucks though, sorry to hear. :(
  9. And raped the sheep at the same time, was it worth it? I think so.
  10. Lmao yeah. At least it's not as bad as ME1s sprint.
  11. Ran out of bullets and dodged into the same tree stump like 4 times getting to the gas station.
  12. Yeah, the environments and the sense of freedom they present (though limited) is real nice. A lot of corridor shooters just force you straight down a path so it's nice to have a break from all that.
  13. Is it woods the whole way through? I'm playing on Hard and it's keepin' me on my toes combatwise. Hated the Default control scheme though. Alternate More games should follow DMC4s route and give players complete customization of controls.
  14. Did you just not like AW or does it get bad at some point? My only real concern was the combat and thus far it's been holding up, the dodge is pretty fierce though his 3 second sprint/dry heave can be a bit much.
  15. game sux, xbox sux, ur help sux. id like to see you recover from that.
  16. I just looked it up, it says right thumbstick to switch perspectives ****a, I know this. It just doesn't hold over the right shoulder is what i'm saying. Not talking about aiming btw.
  17. Lmao yeah, i'm guessing since he holds the flashlight in his left hand it'll always pan over that shoulder. Just going to have to get used to it, had the same issues when I played as Sheva in RE5.
  18. I'm digging how they limit you to how much ammo you have hopefully this prevents the whole TOO MUCH AMMO all the time problem that was in Dead Space/RE5. I hate how the camera is always over the left shoulder, my left eye is no good.
  19. Oh wow, alright then. I didn't get to spend much time with it last night so I'm looking forward to hours of play today. Is this free DLC another chapter?
  20. Unless Wake takes some drastic turn into abysmal soon I think I'm going to enjoy it, just finished the first chapter last night. Even with it's linear game design Wake still manages to not feel like you're being pushed down a tunnel unlike a lot of other titles (TCHBR). But the HUD... I hate this shit, lmao. It's always up in your face and it takes up so much of the screen labeling some useless objective that I'll end up getting too anyway considering all I need to do is go forward. :]
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