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Everything posted by soup

  1. In what way? 'Cause that's pretty much where I'm up to Most reviews raved about the 2nd half of the game so I guess I expected more. Nothing about it really caught my attention them giving you access to every party member only means you'll use the ones you favor which is great but I enjoyed being forced to have to use everyone and them having their own path. The story doesn't really pick up it's pretty anticlimatic, just didn't enjoy it too much. Gran Pulse was meh.
  2. How far into XIII are you? Because that shit goes down hill around the 25 hour mark.
  3. Meh to be fair wasn't inFAMOUS just built on a modified PS2 engine?
  4. It did a far better job with it's mechancis than GTAIV did, that cover system was a joke.
  5. Sin and Punishment has an ownage OST as well, how far have you gotten? I got near the end before I stopped playing, they start throwing a ton of enemies at you. Shits like a shmup,.
  6. Damn, that sucks man sorry. BTW, has the oil spill reached Florida? Not really sure TBH. I only heard about it yesterday. Kinda forced to sit inside. :(
  7. Did the NTSC version leak yet? The game does own though.
  8. Been playing Chaos Rings since I got pink eye in Florida. What a great vacation, lmao.
  9. Bought Max Payne 2 since I never got around to it. That and it was only $2.50
  10. I need to defend myself. It's getting to the point where people will yell "Seacrest out!" when they kill me.
  11. PC obv.? I stopped playing. I played Demo. Yeah, I played like 18 hours over the last week. Once my PC finally arrives we'll have to play. Fo sho. Won't be on again for a week after Friday though. Going to FL. Will probably buy a mic when I return.
  12. PC obv.? I stopped playing. I played Demo. Yeah, I played like 18 hours over the last week.
  13. I really wanted to play MH but I couldn't get my Wii to work so I gave up.
  14. Decided to sink some more time into TBoGT and thus far it's been better than GTAIV in a ton of ways. The cast for one is far more enjoyable and the missions so far aren't as bad my only real complaint comes from the lack of a gamepad. Games ugly as sin though.
  15. Yeah, it seemed like it was alright the first 10-20 minutes already offered a better cast then the one in GTAIV but meh. Got it on FreeC though so no loss.
  16. So I started Gay Tony a few days ago and it was alright, I haven't touched it since and I don't think I'll go back to it anytime soon. I should really just STOP playing open world games.
  17. It being "unique" didn't do it for me. The game felt clunky, the AI was horrible, and the missions were repetitive. The best DC most people come up with is that "It was too hard for you ;(" which is humorous at best. To each their own though.
  18. Meh, I never really cared for DR nor do I get the praise it receives. It was simply alright IMO.
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