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Everything posted by soup

  1. It would be nice to pilot the Super VSs again but I ain't got my hopes up. Just trying to get involved in some frantically enjoyable coop game and it seems like it'll deliver on that. I wish Capcom ran with the mecha since the last fight in LP showed that they probably could if they wanted too, that or Kojima should put out a new ZoE.
  2. nice. Hyped for LP2 eh? I'm not sold on that game just yet. But it has Marcus, Dom and Wesker in it so I guess I have to buy it :excited: I'm one of the few people who thought Lost Planet 1 owned. Besides Mecha = Buy.
  3. Not really sure, I haven't played in awhile though. I finally have some money again so I might just blow it on a year subscription especially with LP2 on the way.
  4. If I ever get LIVE again we should MERC IT UP. Sold my PS3 copy but kept my 360 one.
  5. Dragon Age: Origins. It doesn't have the same appeal as ME but IMO it's a far better RPG.
  6. I thought the story was pretty barebones. Gather supersoldiers -> destroy omega 4 and the individuals character ones weren't as good as DAO.
  7. Far from repetitive? Every missions practically starts and ends the same, the only difference is the location. :/ Grunts, Samaras, and Thanes missions are the only real refreshing ones.
  8. Lmao, 4? I played through it twice and just gave up on a 3rd. Tried playing the DLC and it was all garbage. I can't wait for something worthwhile to come out, been playing TF2 and a few rounds of BC2. TF OWNS THOUGH.
  9. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvRCTcPx7Ps That's not the one. :( Same area:
  10. I need to make a new character in Demon's Souls and play through that manly game again.
  11. pc version:spincool: Thats what I was playing on. Need to get myself a controller though. :(
  12. GTAIV is really starting to show it's age, even more so after great looking open world games like Just Cause 2 and AC2.
  13. Nah, he barely posts anymore and AFAIK doesn't have LIVE. ****a doesn't even log into MSN anymore :(
  14. Whats funny is he's probably clocked more time into MW2 than most people here.
  15. I played it with the Oblivion Lost mod and tried getting into CoP when that released, just ain't my cup of tea.
  16. I could never get into the STALKER games no matter how hard I tried.
  17. Team Fortress 2. God damn this game owns. :|D I suck though.
  18. It's just some of the DLC gear doesn't carry over and if you're wearing gear that doesn't carry over when you load your character you'll lose the gear but keep the fatigue, er whatever its called.
  19. RtO kinda blows it's pretty short though so it's not that bad. Awakening just couldn't hold me so I stopped playing.
  20. It's too bad BioWare fails to make DLC worth playing.
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