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Everything posted by soup

  1. Getting myself in one of those moods where I'll play a game for an hour and get bored only to play another game for 10 minutes wishing I kept playing the game I was originally playing.
  2. It started off so promising too. ;( The 2nd form had me retrying a few times but I didn't do as many missions as you did.
  3. What'd you think of the ending? And more importantly the second form of the final boss?
  4. Yeah, I start naked too but I just toss everything on. Cailans gear comes over but none of that other stuff. :( Bergens Helm I miss you so.
  5. Started Awakening, I hate that DLC items don't carry over. :(
  6. Splinter Cell was alright, not willing to spend money on it though. Gameplay seems like it'd get real boring after a few hours.
  7. Is there anything worth playing coming out between now and Alan Wake?
  8. Wikipedia doesn't say anything about you having a birthday the same day the game releases, not so sure if I should believe you.
  9. I'm pretty sure I just hate vehicle-esque sandbox games, I would happily play inFAMOUS and AC2 over games like JC2 and GTA.
  10. On that note, Just Cause 2 is pretty bad. Don't really understand why it was well liked around here. Then again it was Whipit and Tupac making the threads.
  11. Wish Naughty Dog took notes from EPIC when it comes to aim sensitivity.
  12. I still hate how bulky the characters are, makes 'em feel like tanks. That and some of the animations are silly like sliding into cover from far away.
  13. I doubt I'll finish it, I'm just waiting to get GoW3 back from a friend and/or my DS back. I'm having more fun with it this time if anything, but that's probably because I just got done with 2 RPGs (XIII/Grandia 2) and an Action game.
  14. Is it legit? I got a 48 hour Live code if you wanna play some coop/MP As in real? Yeah, I don't pirate 360 games. I'm down, I haveto see if I have LIVE still.
  15. Just started replaying Gears 2 until I get my DS back. ;(
  16. Finally finished XIII, the game had a great start IMO but the lack of any climax made it feel like it dragged on towards the end.
  17. Was that for me? Yea I finished it within 3 days or so of its release Yeah Is it worth it? I have it installed but haven't played it yet.
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