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Everything posted by soup

  1. It was too good to be true, I managed to cast Death before he could slaughter my party.
  2. Yeah, I guess it's for Post Game farming and well to farm CP and the such. I went back to Gran Pulse to try and farm those Trapniashuadasdna stones from those giant turtle motha fuckas, i 1 hitted one with Death got 40k CP and no item so I shut the game off.
  3. Not sure, 12 or 13 or something. I just got to Spoiler Orphan and have the ability to warp to places.
  4. Well when you have a constant 3 party members and you can kill enemies by just spamming Blitz I like having the Speed+Damage while I have a Ravager chillen by my side.
  5. Sazh is great because he's an offensive buffer and Haste > Protect.
  6. I loved it at first and had high hopes for it but it becomes pretty brain dead towards the end all I do is spam X and hit L1 every now and again.
  7. The CGI can be pretty jaw dropping at times but it's expected from Square. Other than that it's a great looking game though the Art Style helps more than anything. It's nothing mindblowing, there's not much going on and when the game actually tosses you into Gran Pulse you can notice how bad some of it can look. Not many multiplats (IMO) look great but XIII manages to do that, however, it doesn't surpass anything that's already on consoles.
  8. It's this whole dumbass "linear is bad" mentality. Though I do agree there are limits. But FF13's problem sound like they lie not in it being too linear, but being to simple for the first 15 hours. I've played for over 30 and only 2 bosses gave me trouble, the game hardly becomes any more difficult as you progress. The first 15 hours of linearity provided great pacing and actually forcing you to use every character was great. Now 3 of my party members just sit around untouched.
  9. It is, the whole second half of the game is pretty downhill. I'm losing interest in it due to the lack of any real challenge, I have no idea what reviewers were going on about when they praised the 2nd half.
  10. The entire game is linear, at the 24 or so hour mark you'll hit Gran Pulse and the JUST GRAN PULSE strays from the linearity but even then it hardly does. Also, the Map for Gran Pulse is terrible.
  11. Only put like 2 hours into XIII this week. :( But I think I'm at the end, I just don't know if I want to start farming for the Omega weapons or just beat it and call it a day.
  13. If it's early Sunday I can, like prior to 3 EST. Isn't it Easter?
  14. I think Scott does too, we should play sometime. I heard they tweaked the fuck out of the competitive MP and I'm kinda curious.
  15. http://www.systemwars.com/forums/showthread.php?67326-Rate-My-Purchase.-Poll-Edition!&highlight=rate+purchase Oh.
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