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Everything posted by soup

  1. You stat from the battle you died, you get to either run away from the fight or try it again so saving often isn't a must unless your console has a tendency of freezing.
  2. Raines? The only party members I've used have been Sazh and Vanille. Sazh has the best buffs (Haste ) and Vanille just owns all around, her Debuffs are good stuff and her Medic/Ravager Trees are great.
  3. Getting your 5th ATB bar is great but trying to do the Missions in Gran Pulse kinda blows, the map is pretty bad. :( Only need 2 more Missions to unlock what I want before I can progress.
  4. It's good stuff, just it lacks any real challenge thus far. I've bumped into my first somewhat of a challenge last night after 20+ hours
  5. If you like the genre it's worth checking out, it's one of the better consoles JRPGs this gen. But that's not saying much when it's competing with the likes of BD, LO, ES, ToV.
  6. You know I'm only teasing, but really 250GB seems like overkill. I've had a 120GB for a few years and have yet to fill it.
  7. I doubt you'll fill 250GBs worth of space with the 1 game you're buying a 360 for.
  8. Let me know how it goes, maybe ill cough up the 20.
  9. Strange Journey releases today. Need to get my DS back. :(
  10. It's just funny seeing you of all people buying a console for 1 game. You lose interest in games just as quickly as you get STOKED for them.
  11. Thanks to HH Microsoft is able to offer the extended warranty plan.
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