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His Majesty

System Warrior
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Everything posted by His Majesty

  1. It is truly a game that took me back to late 90s era with fallout 1 2 etc...Amazing how some nice writing and turn based combat is all we need
  2. i actually just started Chrono Trigger today cause i was left with no pc for a big portion of the day, i was just checking it and ended up playing 3 hours its fucking amazing i dont know what the hell is it that drew me in and i played so much but it must be something between the simple yet pretty maps, very cool combat for a jrpg (better than FF) that reminds me of suikoden a bit (the tag team attacks) the simple but effective plot that seems to be expanding the more you play...playing this made me remember that some of the best games are the ones that draw you in their world so muc
  3. omfg this is why you're still a virgin twinkie is actually balding in his 20's Balding isn't his problem, there's this wow player on twitch who streams who is in the same boat as twinkie(reckful, and he is genetically balding early like twinkie) but actually gets money/women from playing a fucking video game. Just be yourself ffs... lmfao defending twinkie lmfao go pick someone of your own size YOU LUNCH MONEY PLEASE ;( im sorry
  4. masterpiece of a game Brothers >>>> seen the trailer, looks interesting but nothing touches Journey on an emotional and design level
  5. omfg this is why you're still a virgin twinkie is actually balding in his 20's Balding isn't his problem, there's this wow player on twitch who streams who is in the same boat as twinkie(reckful, and he is genetically balding early like twinkie) but actually gets money/women from playing a fucking video game. Just be yourself ffs... lmfao defending twinkie lmfao go pick someone of your own size
  6. you dont have to hunt her or impress her but you do need to initiate conversation, do you understand how many men are fucking pathetic? why would women want to hit on men when men become clingy in 3 seconds? if you were a woman you would understand exactly why they dont initiate (in general). men are more hungry (their fault yes, pathetic yes) but thats how it is... so anyway you dont have to become a player...just realize what women you are compatible with and you will find one...when you do it wont seem like you are impressing her and putting a siege on her, it will come naturall
  7. lfmao that's precisely my point. Keep serving girls dick. "Man up." i will pay attention to this part, only to keep me from being a cynic and unhappy. Only to keep me having some connection with woman. Chimp, no one cares about your sex life. tph did bring up a good point about girls who get ignored but hate to be harsh but getting ignored for [lack of] physical beuaty happens to everone. getting no dates for lack of self- esteem (it's human nature to be insecure btw), game, a place, social skills, etc. etc. etc. is all the extra stuff a male has to do. but whateve
  8. omfg this is why you're still a virgin twinkie is actually balding in his 20's douche post man , not cool Maybe all these "negs" will get twinkie motivated to go get laid. touche nah all it really does is destroy his already precious self esteem. twinky, ditch the PUA stuff bro. I mean, try it for fun if ya like, just to SEE you can joke around with girls and they're not going to immediately hate you for it but majestic will tell it's far better to strengthen your self esteem.. or date a fatty. or get a sex change and just s
  9. omfg this is why you're still a virgin twinkie is actually balding in his 20's douche post man , not cool Maybe all these "negs" will get twinkie motivated to go get laid. touche
  10. omfg this is why you're still a virgin twinkie is actually balding in his 20's douche post man , not cool
  11. lmao don't be duped. -Xelle has thankfully admitted she gets hit on just for standing and drinking a beer. Do you think she's being "the best her??" It just is what it is mate. - I agree for sanities sake a proper attitude adjustment is required. I do this actually on some level. I've came to this conclsuion over a year ago. It doesn't [emotionally] bother me as much anymore. (I've actually let a couple girls just slip away because I saw they thought the entire courtship should continue to just come to them -- and they weren't near hot enough for that work.) I still go out,
  12. not sure, but my total gameplay hours were 13, on hard.im sure you got a good amount of game remaining though. Just got to Telestrian Industries (Just finished the corporate extraction side-mission before that). Amazing game, I'm hooked shit is getting real there loved this game, cant wait for the Berlin DLC later this year also the user made content has insane potential ^_^
  13. not sure, but my total gameplay hours were 13, on hard.im sure you got a good amount of game remaining though.
  14. if being yourself doesnt get you any girls then either change the places you meet them or the companies you keep (since keeping a certain social circle will yield the same results, also if you keep chasing girls that have the same traits, you need to change it up) OR become a better you, you need to cool off and make getting a girl less "important" in your mind so that you can be smooth and show the real you instead of the real you that bitches about girls not putting out
  15. im currently playing Ghost Trick and pokemon white so it will probably be a while till i start playing Radiant...Also I don't want to make you do all this work I would feel bad you can send me a really short version of bullet points ^_^ else i would feel obliged lol
  16. jesus, i hate sidequests how do you know if you've done enough to get the true ending? do i need to wiki it or is it an in game notification or something?
  17. wait what? you need to do what to get to the true ending? do 10-12 sides?
  18. theres like 1% of women in the whole world that dont have cellulite in the right lighting you can see that all women have some
  19. Do you need to play its predecessor 999 to understand the story? That's what everyone seems to say. yes , every single post about this game says to play 999 before zero escape if u look it up
  20. cellulite booty. you white boys do this all the time. i'm well versed in booty and i can tell you a couple wrinkles dont matter when your dick is poking their pancreas +
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