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His Majesty

System Warrior
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Everything posted by His Majesty

  1. may you find happiness with the human size cardboard nintendo characters and other useless memoribilia that you spent your money on, but somehow someone with the money who spends a lot on something they care about to wear, must be "pathetic". The ironing is burning we don't all find shopping at wal mart for shirts made by slave children who $15 is their entire year salary, that appealing. But who cares where what you buy is from as long as it's cheap right? Great motto to live by ive never bought a single shirt from wal mart lol i buy stuff online that have designs from in
  2. lol ive never payed more than 15$ bucks for any shirt in my life and i got better shirts than 90% of the people i know
  3. well what do you like about it? i gave persona a chance. i'd like to give this one too. For one it's fucking hard lol. The characters in the beginning didn't seem that interesting but that's mostly because the game starts off in like the year 1492 and not present day like Persona so there's a bit of cliche in the characters, but they're pretty unique for the most part just not as interesting nor captivating as one would expect. I'm not very far (about 4 hrs in) but the story seems alright too, it's pretty serious shit with tons of mysteries lol. The demon conversation system in midbattl
  4. this is easily the best shit ive read about a game in years LMAO SMT im gonna play the first one soon Lol indeed. The game sounds awesome! Have you played the first one on DS? I booted it up to see if it works and i kind of couldnt turn it off lol , the premise is so interesting. When i find time ill play more
  5. motherfucker you dont even know what you're fucking with
  6. this is easily the best shit ive read about a game in years LMAO SMT im gonna play the first one soon
  7. lol i never fuck around in games i want to finish,, i almost always get tired n quit i want NNK so bad though :( fucking money and time are fleeting me
  8. gotta play yakuza too but i dont feel motivated since 5 is not localized :(
  9. i hope english isnt your first language cause nowhere did i imply you drink to appear social i was clearly talking about society in general lol stop talking to yourself , you had way too much SW you need to cool off or you had nothing to say and resorted to elementary school trash talk? the latter happens all the time here lol :lol:
  10. i hope english isnt your first language cause nowhere did i imply you drink to appear social i was clearly talking about society in general lol stop talking to yourself , you had way too much SW you need to cool off or you had nothing to say and resorted to elementary school trash talk? the latter happens all the time here
  11. granted that huge gold crosses is the highest form of showing off there are few things that we do for ourselves and ourselves ONLY, we even destroy our health to appear social to others (drinking , smoking). society breeds this kind of thinking and anyone that does something different is "weird" being able to distinguish between doing something for yourself and for others is pretty hard when you're constantly surrounded by people and at the same time having to be "attractive" to the opposite/same sex to fulfill your sexual desires.
  12. people don't get tattoos for themselves ever. i agree with you with the growing up thing etc but its psychologically impossible to get a tattoo ONLY for yourself unless its in a spot noone can see or you always hide it. you get a tattoo for yourself AND for others to see, and theres nothing wrong with that unless its a crappy tattoo
  13. only played the beginning and i already love the premise
  14. only those with very limited exposure to women haven't got opinions on women's appearance. also i had xelle on msn for 5 years, if i wanted her attention i would have tried there good point though only proves that this forum is so shit that even talking about hair styling is better than arguing with ghostz and blackhand
  15. my gf used to tell me she would go blonde and i got mad too women
  16. to you both :* Thanks I'm going navy blue next The purple fades out to something like this though https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/181039_10150837427712583_973749665_n.jpg Have you considered short hair? im guessing you hate it? funky hair colors go well with short IMO Yes. I think it's dykey. I like long and funky. Especially black or blonde (on white girls) with crazy colours in it. Or long and natural. Shortest: https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/185_8847257582_1076_n.jpg that length could work,
  17. Reinstalled Diablo 3, its still average with nonexistant loot and the most generic maps ever made in rpgs the last few years. Downloaded RIFT f2p (is this even good?) Played some GW2 after some months of break, its still an above average fun way to pass the time...just completely uninteresting ways to level up IMO (as with all mmos) And the rest of my time was between Airland Battle, Planetside 2, Chivalry, Professor Layton, Pokemon White jesus fuck i play too many games i finished layton so im starting GHost Trick fucking ownage of a game in the first 10 minutes (im sure
  18. to you both :* Thanks I'm going navy blue next The purple fades out to something like this though https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/181039_10150837427712583_973749665_n.jpg Have you considered short hair? im guessing you hate it? funky hair colors go well with short IMO
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