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System Warrior
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Everything posted by HYPE BEAST

  1. If you're talking to me, I just beat Sledge, I'm about to hit level 20 and I'm now doing the "Leaving Fyrestone" Mission or whatever it's called. Thinking of doing a few more side quests for XP/hidden items before I take on the main quest again though.
  2. Lol @ this Somali pirate looking ass Tom writing novels. LMAO
  3. Also look at his original pic in the first post as well. You seriously don't see it? I'm not one of those ignorant people who thinks all black people look alike. I won't say a dude looks like Michael Jordan just because they're both black and bald, but I legitimately think Petarded looks like Will Smith.
  4. Slightly different skin shades and slightly different noses, but other than that you're like a dead on match.
  5. He's the queer on the right. Michael Cera looking motherfucker.
  6. You look like dat ****a that played Spock in Star Trek, forreallllz.
  7. After seeing countless posts like these there will be a point in my life where I look back and I will say to myself, WTF WAS I THINKING LOGGING ON TO SW This place is a breeding ground for faggots, lmao as soon as school rolls around I'm out of here.
  8. Looks pretty neat. Nice job.
  9. Damn, I just made fun of this guy a few day's ago. He always used to tell people to "Stop posting," so I did it back to him. Now I feel like a total dick about it. R.I.P man.
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