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Cooke last won the day on June 10 2023

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About Cooke

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  • Birthday 1983-06-23

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    DOTA 2 forever

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  1. Yeah cause the government freezing your bank account for protesting should totally be normalized.
  2. https://x.com/rustyrockets/status/1816959979758252226?t=_9oI-MpmEf1wuFljdmk8rg&s=19
  3. https://x.com/RobertKennedyJr/status/1816848414472130885?t=AER_qhuuirJ-U-TVGsxruQ&s=19
  4. Wow you're really gullible. He's at an event today dumbfuck. https://x.com/RobertKennedyJr/status/1816850805816774867?t=mhJoc2z6hPC_oYAkyIk_7Q&s=19
  5. Yeah and 50gb downloads everytime you want to play. Shaderzzzzz 🤪
  6. Cooke

    Biden is done

    Go for it. I do not fucking give a fucking shit what people from the GOP think, or pretend to think.
  7. Cooke

    Biden is done

    There is no drop out thread.
  8. Cooke

    Biden is done

    If only they had primaries instead of trying to hide the condition we all knew he had. Stupid Gouk and his norms. Norms is not running a candidate with parkinsons. https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/biden-trump-election-07-21-24/index.html
  9. That's a lot of conjecture Gouk. Let's focus on what's actually happening. Biden brain has completely melted and he's dropping out. Something he should have done last year. But he has a massive ego like Trump and can't let go. He broke his promise of being a bridge candidate and now has damaged the Democrats so hard there is literally zero chance of them winning. They don't give a shit about democracy no matter how much they cry about it. It's a fucking game to these people.
  10. Why? Dems would vote for him because they hate Trump. Kennedy is popular with youth, independents, libertarians. In a 2 way race he would beat Trump. He's even popular with a lot of the Rand Paul/Massie Republicans.
  11. Kennedy would beat Trump but of course the Dems don't want someone that is campaigning on ending the revolving door or government and private companies. Anti corruption is bad for the establishment. He takes from Trump, he takes the libertarians and is very popular with independents and youth.
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