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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Nope. Trump was horrible for Canada.
  2. No. Fuck you Remij. Mine was first.
  3. Biden said he would be a bridge candidate. Why the fuck is he running again? He lied.
  4. Here you go Morning Jokesan He is falling apart right before your eyes and all you can do is cope with "disengenous" like it's some isolated thing. No, this is everyday he's on camera.
  5. The final one for Switch
  6. These are daily. His movements, his facial expressions. It's all bizarre. No one is editing his dementia into videos. It's all on display, every day. Accept it.
  7. Pardon? https://x.com/BreakingPointsN/status/1802551421385998569 What's been edited? He did pause looking all confused and Obama did have to grab his arm to restart his software.
  8. Oops my bad. https://x.com/EndWokeness/status/1802380110458151329?t=7KfKp7YWHnFVaoJJ4bk5pw&s=19
  9. I didn't say he wandered off you dumb fuck. Even in the full video he looks confused and OLD AS FUCK. And guess what? He's not getting any younger.
  10. He was wandering off and had to be guided back to what the rest of them were doing. I think that was the president of Italy?
  11. What did I say that was disengenous? That he's too old? That he actually appears to be old as fuck? That he looks confused? Have you watched the entire video? There's no sugarcoating it. You can see the faces of the other world leaders looking uncomfortable and awardly at him. He's TOO FUCKING OLD TO BE PRESIDENT FOR FOUR MORE YEARS. Jesus fuck dude.
  12. Do you think he looks perfectly fine Goukosan? Is this your honest assessment? Who gives a shit what he was actually doing. Look at the way he moves, the glazed over look in his eyes, the extremely awkward and slow arm movements, the way he walks. C'mon man!!
  13. Glad there's none of that glory kill shit to get ammo. I found that mechanic to get old quick and then they doubled down on it in Eternal.
  14. Looks cool but I really want a new Quake and a Wolfenstein.
  15. Why would this concern you? If I were you having DNC funding far right Republicans would be more concerning.
  16. https://x.com/thevivafrei/status/1801347846974661062?t=3pvefPK3XDsTAajBHja7Fg&s=19 Ok this is enough. He needs to be replaced at the convention . This is fucking elder abuse. He's like a lost old man in a grocery store trying to find the bathroom.
  17. He didn't hit on women. But they did try to tie Epstein to him as well because he was on the plane in the late 90s as Clintons guest.
  18. https://x.com/DrewHolden360/status/1801016724252188861?t=KSbssS0SgTUMPdRD6hg85Q&s=19 This thread might jog your memories.
  19. Why don't you fgt? Anyway conversion therapy for a gay person doesn't involve irreversible surgery. Strange how they outlawed that but getting your sex changed is legal? 🤣. Iran does this to gay people to make them straight.
  20. The emails are not fake. They were corroborated by the FBI. No charges have been filed yet.
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