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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Biden news conferences are now wacky right wing news stories. Got it.
  2. Lol gouk tried to spin it. No sorry kids. Biden has dementia. Biden left Iraq in 2009. He died in 2015. He lost his life in Delaware. Facts matter
  3. So Forbes was trying a gotcha moment too? No his son did not die in Iraq. The way he phrased it made it sound like he was killed in action. Also if there burn pits mattered why isn't he helping the vets get compensation for the damage the burn pits caused? Something Jon Stewart has been pursuing for years now.
  4. From shaking hands with ghosts, to thinking a dead congresswoman is in the audience, to falling up stairs, to not knowing how your son died... yeah, this is the leader of the free world. Feel so safe.
  5. How can you be anti vax if the vaccine in question doesn't actually vaccinate? Up until covid a vaccine was something that created sterilizing antibodies and prevented infection and transmission. Now it's just a prophylactic injection that may or may not reduce symptoms in some people. I'm very pro vaccine, if they are actual vaccines. But these in many cases were mandated, people lost their jobs because we were told to take the shots for your neighbour and community when in reality it didnt stop transmission, rendering the whole argument as a lie.
  6. We are more likely to be in a nuclear war than have climate change destroy the earth.
  7. He wouldn't do that. He has no reason to. And yeah I'm shitty for not wanting us all to die.
  8. Not only that, 3 refineries on the west coast all decided to schedule maintenance and shut down at the exact same time. Just a coincidence though.
  9. The highest ever recorded in North america. Loving this 😍
  10. How about defending them by suing for peace? Then they might actually get a chance to live. No one in power wants to talk, it's just more guns, more weapons, more money, more death, more destruction. You people are sick. Ukraine was talking to Russia but then Boris Johnson told them not to. Like wtf.
  11. The city did try to cut funding by 5.7m in 2021 but the Province vetoed it. They are still underfunded and understaffed. https://bc.ctvnews.ca/b-c-police-watchdog-calls-for-more-funding-to-combat-staffing-shortage-1.5849551
  12. Let's blow up the earth cause Ukraine. Hooray, no one wins 😁
  13. I'm not saying it's justification, I'm saying why they are doing it. Because they are doing this has no bearing on whether they would invade Estonia or Lithuania or Finland. Understanding the motivations is part of how you come to a conclusion But hey, let's do it your way. More bombs and artillery. The weapons manufacturers are fucking loving this.
  14. Russia is going after areas with majority Russian speaking people. They can barely hold on to that. They have no way of doing the same to other countries unless there is actual support from the people living there. You should actually do a little research on the demographics of eastern Ukraine. It's not as black and white as you seem to think. In Luhansk 70% of the people speak Russian, not Ukrainian. In Donetsk 75% speak Russian If 3 quarters of the population in an area don't even speak the native language then it's hard to have a unified country. Langu
  15. There's a mayoral election right now. I think Ken Sim will win. He actually has policies that may help. Not just doubling down on the same shit that isn't working.
  16. Opening a dialogue would be a good start. Maybe Ukraine gives up Crimea permanently and Russia pays for it. Maybe Russia pays reparations and rebuilds everything they destroyed. Or perhaps UN sanctioned and monitored referendums in the Donbas region to see if they actually want to remain part of Ukraine or join Russia without the fucking bloodshed. Ultimately what is a piece of land worth if everyone there is dead? Right now its only going to continue to escalate and to what end? I really don't want to find out. I hope you don't either.
  17. Who is "they" ? And who is going to replace him? Medvedev? Lmao. He's even worse and more hawkish
  18. Thanks for ignoring pretty much everything I said just to reiterate your stupid false equivalency
  19. Also would you mind not misrepresenting everything I say you disingenuous little infant?
  20. I'm hoping new York gets nuked. Nothing to see here. Keep fighting the good fight
  21. False equivalences. Thousands are dead on both sides, infrastructure completely annihilated. If they continue what will happen? Rainbows and sunshine? No. Thousands more dead and more cities destroyed. And one of them had the largest nuclear arsenal on the planet with a fucking lunatic as commander. A sane person would want a swift and peaceful conclusion. Because you know what? You have no offramp for this. Ukraine will not defeat Russia in a ground war, they don't have the man power. Should they continue until every last Ukrai
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