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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Because I'm worried about nuclear war with a nuclear power that has thousands of nuclear warheads and a fucking mad man as a dictator I can't be concerned about this war thousands of miles away? I can't be concerned our governments are sending endless amounts of weapons and money? I can't be concerned here in Vancouver we are paying 9 dollars a gallon for gas? It's wrong to want them to end this peacefully and have no more innocent people killed? If I'm wrong then the world is completely fucked. GO UKRAINE GO!! It's like it's a fucking
  2. OK what's the "Russian propaganda". I'm spewing Mr MSNBC?
  3. No I don't want Ukraine to just surrender. But I'd also rather not have nuclear annihilation because of it. You're so fucking naive. Makes me wonder why the world didn't react this way when Georgia was invaded. In fact it pretty much went unreported. Its not like it was even a long time ago. It was 2008. I'll wait for you to look for Georgia on a map.. No not the state. You're fucking tool Remy.
  4. Lmao you keep pretending everything is fine. Excuse after excuse.
  5. It's my new gaming laptop
  6. Oh she's on Rogan today too. Hilarious episode by the way.
  7. No I'm not saying Russia should get whatever they want. That's what NEGOTIATIONS are. You don't get what you want, you come to a deal. You give some you gain some. But you also can't make it an embarrassing deal like what happened to Germany in WW1 which ended up feeling the rise of Hitler and Nazis. Go read a book you dumb fuck.
  8. Maybe you should try a little harder. You're awfully stupid.
  9. Not even remotely the same. Nazi Germany didn't have 400 nukes aimed at us.
  10. Perhaps you should. She was Bernie Sanders press secretary and he's a Libertarian that works for Reason Magazine.
  11. Sorry but PEACE is not a naive idea. He's probably the smartest person on planet earth. Politicians owned by Raytheon are not that intelligent, they are just greedy blood sucking vampires.
  12. Why are you going after Musk? He's literally providing free Internet to Ukraine right now.
  13. I hope you are right. Putin is a psychopath, he's not easily predictable. No one thought he was going to invade in the first place.
  14. What's the end goal Twinblade? You still haven't answered. Eradicate Russia? Regime change? Nuclear war? What is it? This isn't Battlefield 2022
  15. You don't like her now because she wants Ukraine and Russia to negotiate? That's been her stance with every conflict. There needs to be more antiwar voices in your warmongering government. I can't believe the only antiwar voices are now coming from fhe right. What happened to the left? It's fucking bizarre.
  16. If their intended goal was the wipe it off their map then they would have done so already. And with a much larger force. Of course Ukraine has a right to exist. Which is why I want negotiations. This cannot go on forever. How many more people need two die for the sake of stupid tweets owning Putin? You guys treat this like a fucking joke. I was selling a BBQ on Facebook market place and it was a Ukrainian woman who came and bought it. She was in her early 30s, she's from Mariupol, left with the children and her husband is fighting for Ukraine. She told me she wants i
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