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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. I'm vaccinated. I've been vaccinated for multiple things. What I'm not is for big Pharma running our health care.
  2. Oh really? such as what Gouk? everything I've said ended up being proven true months later. Lockdowns had a net negative impact of society Vaccines did not and do not stop the spread MRNA vaccines are not a net benefit to men under 40 Pointless restrictions that politicians can't even follow are just that.. pointless. All for the sake of optics to the Covidians who demand action. how many lives did shutting down beaches and playgrounds save? is it even a quantifiable number? No, because its FUCKING ZERO. Small businesses and restaurant
  3. do you know what authoritarianism is? Trudeau has been one of the most authoritarian leaders in the western world for the past 3 years. We literally had road blocks in our cities that wouldn't allow us to leave unless we had "a valid reason" to do so. Unvaccinated could not get on trains or plains within their own country, they couldn't cross the border, and if they somehow did they couldn't return unless they quarantined for 14 days even if they didn't have covid. We now have an app on our phones that you must use when crossing the border, if you don't you are subject to a 25 000 dollar fin
  4. Apple paid money for this. Funny the muslim woman bit.. sitting next to Hillary, the drone strike queen.
  5. If it's not in her binder she can't answer the question competently
  6. I fucked Ghostz in the bum last night. It was weird cause he didn't have a face. Was just a headless torso in a tank top.
  7. If Trump was up there and said the exact same words with the marines behind him and the spooky lighting I'm sure you'd be cool with that right? Stop your straw man bullshit arguments. No one here is against people of color, women etc etc. No politician is making those kinds of speeches. And who the fuck loves authoritiarianism? We all just fucking lived through authoritiarianism during covid for the last 2+ years. Gtfo
  8. I finished Sandman. What a weird episode to end the season on. Decent overall. So much gay sex. Love it
  9. It is powered and charged by the monitor as long as the monitor is using a powerful enough usb power adapter.
  10. This is actually quite handy. My RV has a USB powered monitor with USB C video in. The Switch just plugs in with a C to C cable and it thinks it's docked.
  11. Back to space! It's crazy how comparatively the Titan moon landing got very little attention as the Mars landing
  12. I'm not saying that goukosan. But you already know this. I am talking about people that like to topple statues, rename institutions, rewrite history, through a lens of 2022 instead of what and how people thought in the past. It's a stupid pointless endeavour. But you already know this right?
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