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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Yes cancel it. I am offended by past grievances!!
  2. Unfortunately we need to cancel it, as it's carrying a disc that says there are only 2 genders
  3. https://voyager.jpl.nasa.gov/mission/status/ It is over 12 billion miles from earth and travelling at 34,390 mph
  4. Villeneuve and Tarantino are my favourite directors.
  5. I have never once wanted to record myself playing a video game. Because like me I have zero interest in watching other people play video games.
  6. Why hasn't Biden decriminalized weed? How many hundreds of thousands of people do you guys have locked up for minor drug charges? Instead of going to the source you go after some conservative pundit? He's not the one with the power. Biden is.
  7. https://www.bandlab.com/jester151/anvils-1080cf74?revId=c0dd8e2b-331b-ed11-9441-000d3a3f83b4 Anvils
  8. I've never seen anyone talk about Goliath. If you like BB, Saul, Fargo, Ozark, then definitely check it out. I mean it's Billy Bob Thornton at his best. Great cast too. Billy Bob Thornton William Hurt Maria Bello Molly Parker Bruce Dern JK Simmons Jena Malone Denis Quaid Elias Koteas Dwight Yokam David Cross Haley Joel Osment Beau Bridges Like seriously, good show. Watch it fucktards 🙂
  9. Katana Zero is an amazing non rogue like
  10. Its like you guys are watching a different video or not watching it at all. ONLY 10% OF DEATHS WERE FROM COVID ALONE. IT WASNT AS DEADLY AS THEY SAID. jesus christ.
  11. i watched the video. only 10% of the deaths were actually from covid. Its shit like this that makes people not trust their government. If you want your populace to trust you then tell the fucking truth. Be as honest as possible. Don't tell "noble lies"
  12. Yes I can see that's is Australia. They handled the pandemic much like Canada did. Overreaction and inflation of numbers
  13. Considering it's a direct to streaming movie I would say it's top tier quality. And yes it was filmed in a park in Alberta.. But you're being nitpicky. The sound production is amazing on a good theatre system too.
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