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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. These ads just reinforce toxic masculinity and colonization of the indigenous peoples!!
  2. https://www.bandlab.com/jester151/albums/ebcf2ec2-af00-ed11-b47a-501ac5bd13cd My EP
  3. Updated. Reminds me of Interstellar for some reason.
  4. https://www.bandlab.com/post/ab32fb4f-6816-ed11-bd6e-281878315d59 Neurons and Neutrons
  5. Not enough diversity!!! If I don't see the sand people being murdered by Chinese bull dykes then I'm not watching!!
  6. It has everything to do with the OP. If the right wing nut jobs are so scary, then obviously promoting these kind of candidates to the main stream is also a nut job kinda thing to do. There is zero moral integrity. It's all about gaining power.
  7. OK? So why are the democrats promoting those kind of candidates?
  8. They got lucky once. Congrats. Doesn't outweigh all the damage that has been done in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Lybia, I dont need to see anymore weddings being annihilated because "oops".
  9. tough guy jehurey. Do you even know how to shoot a rifle?
  10. What he is a narcissistic bombastic childish schizophrenic and probably autistic populist president. His actual policies and beliefs are all over the map yeah sounds like i miss him.
  11. You would like me to talk about drone strikes? Why? Theres already a thread on the 1 time a drone strike didnt kill children.
  12. Taiwanese are world renowned for their joke writing abilities.
  13. So did she go there to offer stock trading tips or what?
  14. He was also less of a war hawk than any previous republican or even democrat president. To say he's a far right conservative is just plain wrong. What he is a narcissistic bombastic childish schizophrenic and probably autistic populist president. His actual policies and beliefs are all over the map. One thing I do miss is we were much further away from nuclear annihilation with that retard in the oval office than we are now with good ol Joe who restarted the cold war and is adding China to the mix.
  15. There hasn't been a republican president like him before, ever. So yes he is new. He's not even that right wing. He's a populist. He does what he needs to say and do to keep power. If his supporters wanted legal gay orgies in churches with school children, he would support it. I mean look at his views. He's Pro lgbtq, he's a protectionist with the market. He was Pro gay marriage before Obama.
  16. The Orville I never wanted to watch this show because I thought Seth Mcfarlane would make a stupid captain and I never like the name, reminds me of the microwave popcorn... But after the first season, it's the best "star trek" series since DS9. And the last episode looks like a 100 million dollar movie in terms of production values. Definitely worth watching if you like Star trek at all.
  17. Batgirl was cancelled after poor test screenings. WB wasted 90 million on it. CBC News: Batgirl won't see the light of day after Warner Bros. cancels release. https://www.cbc.ca/news/entertainment/batgirl-won-t-be-released-1.6540116
  18. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/3586328-kinzinger-on-meijer-defeat-democrats-own-that/ Lol great strategy guys. Who's going to be blamed when they win in the general election?
  19. I guess I should just cross the border and tell people I'm going to vote democrat. Then it should be OK.
  20. Naive Gouk doesn't realize everything the US does affects Canada.
  21. OK, now take out Putin because he rigged the election that got Trump elected which is the reason we now have Biden and mass inflation and a war in Ukraine and soon a war in Taiwan which will end in nuclear Holocaust!
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