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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. The indigenous land we are posting from. I am posting from the traditional lands of the Katzie first Nation and the Kwantlen First Nation. Unfortunately for the Katzie they were nearly wiped out by the Kwantlen in the 1600s Anyways, that's beside the point. Please acknowledge the First Nation and or tribal lands before making a post. Otherwise we will have to give the land back!
  2. I've always HATED the art direction of Halo. It wants it be a mature game but looks like a Saturday morning cartoon.
  3. https://www.oxfam.org/en/press-releases/carbon-emissions-richest-1-percent-more-double-emissions-poorest-half-humanity#:~:text=The richest one percent of,period of unprecedented emissions growth. Seems like it would be easier to change the behavior of a few hundred thousand people than it would 3 billion..
  4. No one know basic biology anymore because it might hurt the feelings of a person that wants to chop off their genitals.
  5. Yes his looks are the important takeaway from this.
  6. Never heard the term natural man. But a biological man is an adult human male
  7. You are everyone in this video. Can't give answers
  8. When this shit hits doctor Phil then you know it's mainstream. Is the bearded circus clown a woman Remy?
  9. Lol but isn't that the point of all this "education" ? Thinking about genitalia?
  10. When mine, if ever. Arrives I plan on using it mostly docked on work trips. It's definitely more powerful than my laptop and I have a USB powered 17" 1080p with HDR monitor. I'd rather use a mouse and keyboard for PC games
  11. Again, you don't actually respond because you know I'm right. You haven't made a single valid argument. Lollipop yur fucking retarded tehhehehe
  12. My point is, since you seemed to have missed it even though it was blatantly clear... professional sports is a product. They sell tickets. They sell advertising. People don't tend to watch and buy tickets for womens sports because it's less exciting and not as good. There are a few outliers though, such as tennis and women's ufc that do well. But given the choice people, men and women choose predominately to watch and buy tickets for men's sports. So why should the women get paid the same if their product isn't selling at the same rate? Are the men supposed to take a paycut just be
  13. Yes it's because I hate women so much that I don't think people in less successful businesses should make the same as those in more successful businesses. Why don't professional bowlers make as much as baseball players? It's discriminatory to bowlers that they make far less than baseball players. Or could it be because people don't pay to watch professional bowling? Hmmm
  14. The majority of people who watch and buy tickets to see sporting events are men. Men are the majority of financial support to men's sports. If women cared so much about pay equality in professional sports, perhaps they should put their money where their mouth is or just shut the fuck up because no one cares to watch WNBA and women's soccer because it's not as good.
  15. Why have I never heard of Solar Opposites. I've cried laughing more times than ever. It's funnier than Rick and Morty
  16. Maybe more women should buy tickets to see women play soccer.
  17. Are they going to make a new Marathon?
  18. I finished Synthetic Connections https://www.bandlab.com/post/1f5af396-8304-ed11-b47a-281878315d59 It's for an epic sci fi movie lol
  19. No Ike. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/25/world/europe/militias-russia-ukraine.html Before we started sending them weapons it was OK to talk about this
  20. It's remarkable how you are able to fjnd any shred of neonazism in America yet refuse it's existence in Ukraine. Let me be clear, the Russian invasion is wrong and needs to end immediately.
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