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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Basically you hate nazis unless they are fighting Russians. Just accept your hypocrisy and move on.
  2. Weird how every left leaning media establiment has acknowledged this though. Stop being a neocon Gouk. It's not a good look.
  3. Wasn't the first one called Skate? Why do companies keep doing this?
  4. Lol. https://www.ctvnews.ca/world/mounting-evidence-canada-trained-ukrainian-extremists-gov-t-needs-to-be-held-to-account-experts-1.5879303 In fact Canada has trained them. War is complex. Sometimes the enemy of our enemy is a "friend". But there are consequences to that further down the road.
  5. I'm anti war. What russia is doing is obviously wrong. That doesn't make arming far right extremists in Ukraine a good thing either. Everything is always so cut and dry with your simple tiny soft brain.
  6. Meanwhile Biden is giving billions of dollars worth of weapons to neo Nazis in Ukraine
  7. Did Biden read off a teleprompter during this meeting?
  8. Ultra righters! Even more better than alt righters!
  9. No you turd. I do not deny racism exists. I deny that equity is the path forward vs equality. Unless you consider equality to be racist now, who the fuck knows with you nut jobs.
  10. It feels like the democrats are trying their hardest to lose the Latino vote. They don't want to be called Latinx, most do not care about this woke racist garbage they keep spewing. Seriously, stfu with the DEI garbage. It's pathetic.
  11. Sponsored by Wells Fargo, Google, and Amazon.
  12. Cooke

    Kamala Harris

    Biden is beyond the age of life expectancy, he could die at any moment. He decided to pick someone based on immutable differences rather than a quality leader. Biden cares more about appeasing wealthy white woke liberals than picking a competent leader.
  13. Cooke

    Kamala Harris

    Is she a good vice president Remy? Would she make a good president Remy? She was hired because of her sex and race. But you already know this because Biden told us. https://www.newsweek.com/kamala-harris-diversity-hire-opinion-1663788 That's awesome the person a heart beat away from the leader of the free world was a fucking diversity hire. Like they couldn't find anyone more qualified than her.
  14. Yeah niece. Stupid autowrong. She just turned 2
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