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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. I was looking at my dad's graduation photo and he had a glorious moustache and big sideburns. I could hardly grow facial hair for my pic. He looks 10 years older than I did at 17.
  2. Rage Against the Machine a few days ago Black birth givers... lmao
  3. Cooke

    Kamala Harris

    She's dumber than Biden.
  4. Nope I've never played earthbound. It's too late to try it now
  5. https://www.bandlab.com/post/7bc90cd8-f6ff-ec11-b47a-281878315d59 Here @kazkaz Not sure wtf is going on but everything I save it it changes the key the song is in. This is not how I want it to sound 😤
  6. It's funny how the boys is a better superhero show than any of the marvel ones with a fraction of the budget
  7. https://www.bandlab.com/post/dc11bbf5-bafe-ec11-b47a-281878315d59 Synthetic Connections Pure synth, haven't done one of these in awhile @kaz it's for you 😘
  8. https://www.bandlab.com/post/300a75e9-aefd-ec11-b47a-281878315d59 I covered Karma Police in the first half then went to an almost Bob Moses sound for the second half @-GD-X
  9. https://www.bandlab.com/post/0b6aa4da-aafb-ec11-b47a-281878315d59 It Was Just an Illusion
  10. Yeah cause a white supremacist would marry a black man. Makes total sense jehureh
  11. Anyone watch the animated Boys series. It's incredible 😄
  12. I honestly don't care to play the next 2. 3 was better than echoes but still, the first one is enough.
  13. Get one of the M cable things for docked play. It's a noticeable improvement if you're on a 4k TV
  14. Lol mine isn't even supposed to ship until October
  15. If I gut a birthing person and take its womb and carry it around would I be considered a womb carrier?
  16. how about i eat all the dead fetuses instead? Cant let that tender meat go to waste.
  17. India should hop on that abortion train
  18. why yall aborting so many babies?
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