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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Who said anything about normal? Republicans are all gays anyway
  2. I guess this means they will have another direct afterwards?
  3. Sexual attraction isn't imagination sweetie. Pretending youre the other sex is.
  4. Bitch mad she can't kill her fetus
  5. You've never been to Seattle or Vancouver. Stfu and stay in your lane bro
  6. Thought you lived DT. I was just there last weekend and it was fucking bad.
  7. Seattle is a cesspool. Thank God you live there? It has worse homelessness than the other deep blue cesspool city to the north. You literally have to dodge human shit and needles on the sidewalks but thank God a woman can kill a viable fetus up to 9 months. this shit needs to be defined laws nation wide. Roe was weak and unconstitutional. How could a law around privacy have anything to do with abortions? It's much more complicated than that.
  8. I hate religion and wokeness is a religion.
  9. It looks very complex. And the text looks too small. I hate tons of menus with small text.
  10. You literally repeat the stuff the far left says like a good little NPC that you are. This video has nothing to do with being an ass hole or not. Making a video to placate people with body dysmorphia is not kind, it is sick and has become a social contagion. A 5000% increase in people identifying as trans and non binary is not organic. We are fucking kids future mental health and stability. And as a result, will fuck our society too.
  11. Before we launch missiles at the Arabs please make sure you are using their proper pronouns as a sign of respect and kindness.
  12. I tried it on pc and if was a horrible extremely low resolution mess.
  13. I'm moving to Kuwait. I hear the pride parade is to die for.
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