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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. The whole point is its an official console from Sega.
  2. It is the best Sega console. The amount of great games it had in 2 years was crazy
  3. How about actually prosecuting the criminals and giving them actual jail time instead of this catch and release program we do here? Instead the mandatory sentences for gun violence has been reversed. Nice work guys.
  4. 50 mega drive and Sega CD games. I was hoping for a tiny dreamcast
  5. OK stop being so homophobic. This is my month. Bow to me fgt
  6. No you started doing your talking to someone else shtick
  7. I asked you a question.
  8. If they wanted to make it better they should just remove Ashley all together. Making her boobs smaller doesn't go far enough.
  9. Have you had gay sex?
  10. No. His ass has more hair than his head
  11. I had some gay sex last night.
  12. Que all mega corporations switching their social media accounts to pride flags.
  13. Hope you have an extremely gay month, and a migraine.
  14. What a dumb thing to say
  15. Lol no. But if the world does turn to shit and I have to go live in the woods I'll be ready 😆
  16. You're such a donkey. Canadian gun owners are not American gun owners. We have to take courses, be licensed and monitored. It's very strict. If you own a handgun you can't even take it out of your house unless you notify the police of where you are taking it. All firearms must be locked, ammo cannot be kept in the same room as the gun. Trudeau just uses this shit because he thinks it's popular with his base.
  17. Trudeau keeps using America to push his own agenda. We don't have a gun issue in Canada. The only problem we have is criminals bringing illegal guns over the border. Law abiding gun owning citizens are not committing murders. It just doesn't happen. I have 8 rifles. My name is run daily on the police database. If I commit a violent crime the police will be at my door to confiscate my guns immediately. Legal gun owners in Canada are the most law abiding people in the country.
  18. arrives this Friday
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