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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. I'm not defending him. I just want honesty and accuracy with how things are reported. He's a disgusting pig that deserves execution.
  2. does it not seem odd that a white supremacist would choose to shoot a white woman in the head as his first victim? soon as he gets out of the car she was walking towards him, pops her in the head, then turns back and shoots her while shes dying. A white supremacist would want to preserve precious white lives right?
  3. Actually that would be the majority of people. They just accept what they hear, regardless of the track record of the institutions. Like really, do you actually trust a multi billion dollar international pharmaceutical company to be upfront with all their data while still trying to drive profits for shareholders? https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/10/us/politics/emergent-fda-vaccine-covid-contaminated.html
  4. By his own words he's a racist left wing authoritarian. But somehow this means right wing? Lol
  5. Did I say something untrue Gouk? He claims he moved from communism to the authoritarian left. Are you disputing this?
  6. Agenda? How about honesty from big pharma and the government. Is that a good enough agenda for you?
  7. Oh look, quoting out of context again. Nice gotcha there gouk. You're a real pro
  8. I didn't say he moved further left. Read again. You sure are dim.
  9. Did you watch the shooting? I unfortunately did. He indiscriminately shot people. In fact the first person he killed was a white woman. This is a sick fuck with severe mental issues.
  10. He also claims he was a communist but moved into authoritarian populist left
  11. why are you even talking about anti vaxxers? That wasn't the point of the thread. The point is the truth. Reducing deaths is wonderful, but the claim was it would stop the spread and thats why so many governments mandating people take it. Unvaccinated people in canada still cannot fly. Why? If the vaccine does not stop the spread what purpose does this even serve? Is it just a punishment for not complying? Well thats some real authoritarian bullshit. The framing around this vaccines is extremely warped. Some people still do not understand they do not reduce transmission and are afraid of peop
  12. https://www.foxnews.com/us/california-police-responding-shooting-laguna-woods-church-multiple-victims-shot oh look another one.
  13. i took the vaccine. What are you even talking about? The claims were that the vaccine would stop the spread. That didnt happen. not even close. The claim was we needed 2 shots. Not 4 not 5. You didn't read any studies dummy.
  14. Lmao I think we already knew this though. Try taking zinc and magnesium, they can help elevate your testosterone levels back to normal. Stop eating so much soy and dairy as well.
  15. Guitar and synth drenched in reverb yeah haha. Thanks ☺️
  16. Not really. It offers very short term protection, but for vulnerable it is necessary. But then a 4th and 5th and 6th are also necessary. We don't yet know the time between further doses yet. Is it going to shrink? It's definitely not getting longer as we are finding out they do not maintain high levels of antibodies beyond a few months tops.
  17. Obviously it was rushed if we thought 2 doses would end the pandemic and stop the spread. Clearly the real world trial was far too short and too small to show this. Anyway, the entire pitch for mRNA was how quickly they could adapt to new strains. They haven't adapted once. There's been a dozen variants. If they can't adapt within a 3-4 month time period then it's pointless. That's how quickly coronavirus can mutate. Perhaps it will be a more effective method for future HIV vaccines or measles or shingles.
  18. I guess Forbes shouldn't be talking about the peer reviewed study in the JAMA network work? They fucking wrote about it so we can read it. Stay dumb Remy, I don't care.
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