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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Are you still spoon fed as an adult Remy? You are clearly an idiot. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/01/28/why-mrna-vaccines-like-covid-vaccines-are-more-flexible-to-variants.html Try responding with an argument and facts next time bitch tits.
  2. https://www.forbes.com/sites/roberthart/2022/05/13/pfizers-covid-vaccine-protection-against-omicron-fades-just-weeks-after-second-and-third-doses-study-finds/?sh=266d688732af Wasn't the whole point of mRNA so we could have rapid response to variants?
  3. Cooke

    Lol Blizzard

    Kotaku: Activision Blizzard's New Diversity Game Tool Comes Across Terribly. https://kotaku.com/activision-blizzard-diversity-tool-overwatch-2-call-of-1848924832 I'm not surprised they hired people to create this tool. 😂
  4. Thom Yorke and Johnny Greenwood side project. About as close as we are going to get to another Radiohead album. Reminds me of Hail to the Theif.
  5. https://www.bandlab.com/revisions/9cb4468c-75d2-ec11-997e-28187831e8a1 Space Has No Sound
  6. Remy is so easily bought by the corporate democrats who kneel with kente cloth and say the right words but never actually accomplish anything. How many super majorities have the democrats had and they didn't once try to put abortion rights into law? Same goes for all the woke big businesses. They take the easiest path. It's easy to put up a rainbow flag or hire a queen black non binary, but actually paying your employees living wages is painful for them. So we are stuck focusing on the bullshit nonsense that accomplishes nothing but more division, and that's exactly
  7. Cooke


    Lol you're alt right
  8. Cooke


    wow you're a biggot
  9. Cooke


    Oh so you're saying gender identity is imagination? Thank you for finally admitting it.
  10. Well the first 2 I chose don't even have spandex or costumes really
  11. Logan Joker Dark Knight No discussion, please lock.
  12. He calls out both sides. You cannot trust the government to be the arbiter of Truth. They are the biggest purveyor of misinformation and disinformation.
  13. Cooke


    No. But I bet you are LGBTQ++2SXYZ ally 🧜‍♂️
  14. Cooke


    Happy birthing bodies day Remy!!
  15. Cooke


    I wish Remy was Adorpted
  16. https://www.bandlab.com/jester151/albums/786af8a3-d9ce-ec11-997e-501ac51fccf9 Oh shit my album just dropped lol
  17. Fixed the lead guitar. Much better
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