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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. https://www.bandlab.com/revisions/01c3d823-9ace-ec11-997e-28187831e8a1 It Was a Dark and Stormy Night Lol I'm on a creative roll here
  2. https://www.bandlab.com/revisions/703f4f19-2ece-ec11-997e-28187831e8a1 Red Canyon Has an old timey western movie vibe
  3. https://www.bandlab.com/revisions/86bb3bbb-3bcd-ec11-997e-28187831e8a1 Should work now
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  5. Cooke


    I don't hate women you tit.
  6. Cooke


    Don't be a homophobe
  7. Cooke


    What's your stance? I think once there's a heartbeat it's too late and you're killing a tiny human. But if that tiny human was going to put the mother at risk if she carried it full term then yes its OK to abort. Basically if you had unprotected sex and didn't realize you were pregnant in the first 6 weeks then too bad. Give the baby up for adoption. Use condoms, morning after pills. Pregnancy tests should be free and easily accessible.
  8. https://www.bandlab.com/revisions/86bb3bbb-3bcd-ec11-997e-28187831e8a1 Mother!
  9. Strange new world's has 100% https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/star_trek_strange_new_worlds/s01 Fuck now I need paramount +
  10. The demented thing is you turning her racism back on me for pointing it out. That's how fucked liberals are today. They are so fucking racist in their everyday lives they don't even realize. In fact they see it as virtuous. Racism of the lowest form. The racism of stereotypes
  11. well i guess they have sold more records. But still AIC should go before Soundgarden at least.
  12. Apparently this guy did the sound track to Killzone Shadow Fall. Never played it, no idea if it's any good. He did the Helghast songs which start at 40 minutes. Not bad. And Ghost in the shell https://youtu.be/dLBYxr3SbkA
  13. A bladerunneresque game with those visuals and Lorn doing the music would be orgasmic
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