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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. You'd make a good power bottom
  2. My title of the thread implies it dumbass. The laptop that doesn't exist? Who the fuck was saying it was Russian disinformation? THE MEDIA. And stinky twats like you that just accept everything they say as fact without looking at biases and who is saying it.
  3. I can taste your progesterone
  4. Criticism of neurotic activists is not Pro women bashing and trans hate dummy.
  5. I can taste your elevated estrogen levels from here Goukosan. Mmmm delicious
  6. That's your conclusion? Lmao fgt
  7. You guys should get your testosterone levels tested.
  8. More like banned off of twitter. Because snowflakes like the ministry of Truth leader Vijaya Gadde gets to decide what is true or not. I know you're just praying for the dystopian leftist society to be in full control but it's time for some normalizing of conversations and discourse again.
  9. because theres a butt load of far left snowflakes on twitter claiming Elon will start WW3 because he now owns twitter. its easy to get their dramatic tweets confused....................... That was a really quick read on the article i posted that you ignored btw. DID YOU THINK I WOULDN'T NOTICE!? HUH SWEETIE? HUH!?!>
  10. yes i honestly thought you would forget 20 minutes later youre so fucking dramatic. Must have confused his racist tweet with Jameela Jamil who did make good on her threat to leave. https://nypost.com/2022/04/26/shaun-king-other-liberals-delete-twitter-in-protest-of-elon-musk/
  11. https://www.foxnews.com/tech/shaun-kings-twitter-account-disappears
  12. Yes, he made a post saying it's his last one, left for 18 hours and then reactivated his account.
  13. He came back the next day cause just like all the people that say they are moving to canada every time there's a republican is president they just can't do it. Also Shaun King is the male Rachel Dolezel. Do you like him? 😂
  14. holy shit Kirk Hammets solo album Better than the last half dozen metallica albums lol
  15. https://twitter.com/shaunking?t=YXMiur2c_muuBG9V481qVw&s=09 The race hustlers are starting to ban themselves out of protest.
  16. No reason it's not on switch. It's definitely ugly enough.
  17. No. Most jurisdictions cancelled out of an over abundance of caution, when in reality they didn't have to. And the result was delayed treatments and DEATH. But I know only covid deaths matter to you covid zero weirdos.
  18. So you think China isn't an authoritarian country? Anyway, back to the topic. Do you feel this sort of lockdown is justified? Knowing we have treatments, vaccines, and the Omicron strain is the least deadly strain to date?
  19. This isn't the topic jehurey. What do you think about this extreme lockdown? Do you agree?
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