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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. 40 million people cannot leave their homes, people forcibly removed if they test positive, family pets destroyed, drones flying the streets telling people to stay where they are, limited access to food and resources. Even with multiple vaccines and the least virulent strain yet, this is how China reacts? Fuck authoritiarianism This is some serious dystopian craziness
  2. Im not responding to your idiotic driveling attempt at sounding smart jehurey. You care because you were told to care. Face it. Elon Musk wants to buy Twitter, this upsets you cause of some reasons you don't really know but you think its bad because he doesn't align 100% with your political views.
  3. lol which news network told you Elon would be bad for twitter?
  4. what does bezos buying amazon have to do with anything? and no he didn't buy amazon, he founded it. But if someone announced they were going to attempt to buy a company and take it private, who the fuck cares? Do you not tell anyone before making purchases? Are purchases supposed to be done in secret? Did you tell your mom you were going to buy a car or a house? Or maybe a cheeseburger? Who the fuck cares who Elon tells. The guy likes to tell people his intentions, so fucking what? How evil of him.
  5. Sounds like a prison sentence
  6. So in one post you're saying it's bad he's talking about his offers on Twitter and then in another it's bad he secretly bought shares. Lol
  7. Considering the others came to other platforms, is this really surprising?
  8. You guys are so fucking dense. My issue is with the media. What these sleazy sons of presidents do is not the issue im trying to convey. The media talked shit about kushner all the time, it wasn't a banned topic on Twitter, direct message's containing information about Kushner weren't blocked etc etc. Big tech and most of the MSM is HEAVILY biased toward one side. If you dont see this then you are dumber than you look.
  9. I'd want someone more qualified to do that lol
  10. I like my S 🙂 it's just a gamepass machine for me. The only game I have bought was Cyberpunk.
  11. Why does it look like it's missing frames when reloading and shooting enemies?
  12. https://www.bandlab.com/revisions/2ea3f1e5-11ba-ec11-997e-0050f280f352 Finished version. It'd epic soundtrack stuff
  13. https://www.bandlab.com/revisions/264cc46d-bbb9-ec11-997e-0050f280f352 Reverberations Cool vibe in this one
  14. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-10-15/why-twitter-blocked-a-new-york-post-story-about-hunter-biden/12770732 it was blocked
  15. Still waiting for the evidence it came from nature jehurey. Come on, show us the Chinese are filthy disgusting people with their gross wet markets with live exotic animals for consumption where this virus obviously came from. Show us.
  16. Did the media cover that up? Was talk about it not even allowed in direct messages on Twitter? Did Facebook ban people for discussing it?
  17. Because you said so that makes it not true? Lol at least back it up with EVIDENCE
  18. Because it's a big deal when the son of the most powerful person on the planet is using that to profit off of corruption and corrupt countries like China Russia and Ukraine. And it's a big deal when the President doesn't deny what his son was doing but then points to what former FBI heads were saying. Its corruption and then coverups and then the media picking sides and deciding what should be allowed on social media platforms etc.
  19. https://nypost.com/2021/09/26/proof-hunter-bidens-work-was-about-selling-influence-over-joe/ Stop defending this.
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