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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Probably so it will launch on switch 2 or whatever simultaneously like they seem to do with Zelda's now. TP did it, BOTW did it.
  2. Just pointing out the double standards of the extreme liberal Hollywood. Then we have douchebags like Jehurey defending Will Smith and Jada. Like who fucking cares. Some of the most privileged people on a planet earth can't take a dumb joke.
  3. Lmao. I have work to do. Calling me a racist for what reason? What did I say was racist? That Will Smith is treated differently than a white guy? Obviously if a white actor went up on stage and punched Chris Rock he would be called a racist and condemned by Hollywood. That's racist right there. Don't play this bitch ass racist card shit with me you sweaty cunt
  4. Yes. He is my wife. He identifies as a woman. So I call him my wife. Even though he has a big hairy cock and a fine manly ass and has a deep voice and a beard. How dare you.
  5. Equity is for idiots. Equality is right. Stop with your kindergarten bullshit utopia shit Remy.
  6. She showed up to the Oscars wearing enough material to cloth a homeless shelter and we are supposed to feel bad for her cause she had to shave her head.
  7. If Chris Pratt went up there and hit Chris Rock I wonder if there would be charges
  8. It's funny Will laughed and then looked at Jada's expression and decided to punch Chris rock because she wasn't also able to laugh at herself.
  9. No I don't hate them. I hate the trans extremists though. The forever activists who contribute nothing to society. The one's who shut down conversation, hate free speech, and think trans are literally being killed by words.
  10. No one says partner. It's "babe" everyone knows that. It's the universal term for their husband wife girlfriend boyfriend
  11. Ok, so the truth doesn't matter. Got it. So men should be able to beat up women in MMA fights? Men should be able to compete with women in any sport? Men should be about to go to women's only gyms.. etc. As long as you say you are a woman you are a woman. Its just a word, it has no meaning. But then again, why bother if the word has no meaning? Have you asked a woman how they feel about this? Does it not matter? Why do trans rights overrule woman's rights? Why can't we just have Men, Women, Trans Men, Trans Woman? Seems like a simple solution. What the fuck did feminists fight
  12. You explain how i was wrong based on what you think? or based on the science of immunity?
  13. I care about the truth. Im not into living in other people's imaginations. You on the other hand bend to the fantasy a man can be a woman and a woman can be a man. They are now meaningless words to you because you were told so. But then it comes back to if man and woman are just constructs why bother identifying as one or the other? This is the mental gymnastics we go through now with redefining or just deleting the meaning or words. Words and language are the foundation of our civilization, it is being corrupted for no reason but for people's feelings. If you control the way people talk, yo
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