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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. You can call them whatever they want, and they can ask to be called whatever they want. That doesn't make them that thing. I know its being nice and all that but facts are facts and science is science. We cannot change that. Not sure how we made it through tens of thousands of years knowing men and woman are different, but now 2022 its all out the window.
  2. Why do I have to research this for you? Would the FBI give EXACT sources during an active investigation? Are you dumb?
  3. Im not the FBI. Ask them. They are the ones that said it's authentic, the NY times also said it's authentic.
  4. I'm not saying that. I'm saying what the current situation is. It's the same here. I live in an extremely left wing city, with an extremely left provincial government and a very left wing federal government. It's all going one direction. Yet you're concerned about republicans who can't even legislate anything?
  5. When you control every level of government from cities to federal, the media, big tech, everything.. Well then I guess you control the levers of power. Speech is controlled, education is controlled, you've got it all man. What more do you want?
  6. The effort to suppress this is laughable at best
  7. The right isn't in power. The right is powerless. The far left have full control of all the levers. Hope you are enjoying it.
  8. That wasn't even me who said it. But why are they the last ones allowed to take them off? What science says this should be the way? Scared triple vaxxed teachers?
  9. Lol like you ever call out the left for their stupid ass shit.
  10. We need balance. It feels like the left has had all the power and progress at an alarming rate the past decade. The left owns every city for eternity, every major tech company, every media corporation, every school from elementary to university. The left is extremely powerful right now. The right feels threatened and it's going to bring out the crazies. We need to slow it down a bit. The sane left needs to stop letting the far left control the plot. The activist class has too much power to promote whatever batshit thing they want and tech companies and Big businesses seem to promote it for wh
  11. Finished it. 10/10. The acting was perfect, was funny, sad, emotional, everything. great soundtrack, they captured the 90s perfectly. Great cast. I had no interest in watching this but gave it a shot. It made me feel horrible for Pam. Lilly James who plays her did an incredible job. Sebastian Stan as Tommy Lee was also perfect. Definitely watch this series.
  12. https://twitter.com/kate_freedomer/status/1506052541561417737?t=hUGkwH1ly2pjyFkU9xV0yQ&s=19 This was good policy too right?
  13. Have you ever tried to mask a 2 year old? How the fuck was that even mandated? And what science even supported it? There were no studies on the effectiveness, no studies on the detrimental effects if covering toddlers faces. Y'all are sick fucks.
  14. Have you ever tried to mask a 2 year old? How the fuck was that even mandated? And what science even supported it? There were no studies on the effectiveness, no studies on the detrimental effects if covering toddlers faces. Y'all are sick fucks.
  15. i am exasperated because you don't know the meaning of simple words like "now". I didn't say new, i said now. Braindead fuckhead. =
  16. No jehurey. I only post it because it's the only way you will accept reality.
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