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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Honey. That's not what I'm talking about. The second time you get Covid it's going to be less severe because you have the antibodies and T cell memory. Your body knows what to do. When you are naive to the virus it's your immune system that makes you sick as it's trying to kill the virus. Getting it a second time is going to be much easier for 99.9999999% of people, especially if they are also vaccinated. We are quickly approaching a level of herd immunity. Most people have already had covid in the past 2 years, and this new BA2 variant is 60% more transm
  2. So you're saying everyone earth is going to be unhealthy because they are going to get Covid at some point? Or are you one of those believers that thinks covid zero policies is not fantasy land? My attempt to move the topic? I didn't. Lol. That's your attempt at deflection. The point still stands, when you get Covid and recover from it you acquire full spectrum immunity. Because the vaccine was based off the alpha strain of the virus, not delta, not Omicron etc. The vaccine still helps, but you're still going to get Covid regardless. And after that you will h
  3. Lmao I said healthy people you dumb shit. The first sentence says ELDERLY. And that was in 2020. Anything recent? 😂 and she had cancer. Great job
  4. It won't happen again unless there is a new virus. Not a variant but a new one. More than half of Americans have already been infected with covid and even more than that are vaccinated. Seriously, go take a virology course. You're really dumb. You know nothing about immunity. Stop talking. There isn't a single documented case of someone contracting Covid19, recovering and then catching is a second time and dying. Unless they are very elderly. This has literally not happened to a single healthy person on planet earth.
  5. please stop posting in red, its a serious eye strain and i don't even read those parts when you use it.
  6. has any healthcare system in the world collapsed due to covid? i can't think of any. And the covid we have today is more mild than the original strain and we have vaccines and therapeutics to treat. Any further lockdowns would be absolutely harmful at this stage.
  7. i find the thing they get wrong with realistic looking people and the slow moving eyes. Our eyes dont move like that. When you look at something your eyes don't slowly move, its nearly instant. Its creepy, and i hate it.
  8. He joined the Russian army and is invading a tranny community looking for a wife/husband
  9. This is where I said what I said and it means what I said. But this is the part where you try to twist my words.
  10. Effective at what? Prevention of infection? No. It helps reduce severe symptoms though. Especially high risk people.
  11. There is no preventig anyone from getting covid. The virus does not care about your vaccine status.
  12. And the vast majority of deaths have been over the age of 80 vaccinated and unvaccinated. Forcing kids to get vaccinated for a disease with a statistically zero percent chance of killing them is wrong.
  13. You never argue the point. Its just "omg you're right wing!" like thats a real zinger. You nailed him!
  14. You are warping what I said. I said it would become seasonal like the flu. Which is what it is doing now and that is what CDC has said. That's how it goes from pandemic to endemic. Australia has had the same variants as the rest of the world but they come months later due to being much more easily isolated, same with new zealand.
  15. @kaz wtf you didn't listen to my epic masterpiece 😥
  16. A little more than that actually. But really, this is highschool level concepts. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/in-depth/herd-immunity-and-coronavirus/art-20486808 Since we cannot achieve herd immunity with these current vaccines, the only way forward is to accept Covid will spread. Get vaccinated to protect against severe outcomes, but you will, and everyone will become infected at some point. The BA2 variant is as infectious as measles, that's pretty much a 10/10. After everyone has come in contact with the virus they will have the antibo
  17. A little more than that actually. But really, this is highschool level concepts.
  18. Virology 101 a population that is naïve to a virus is susceptible to the virus. We cannot have herd immunity with vaccines that do not provide immunity. They provide protection, yes, but they do not prevent infection or transmission. In countries where the virus has been spreading for much longer now will have lower rates of infection in coming waves because of a built up herd immunity due to natural infection. We know if you have had the vaccine and then contract the virus it provides superior protection. This is well known Remy. No need to play games.
  19. Should I have said Currently instead of now? would that have made a difference for your small mind?
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