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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. ive noticed even people calling for ceasefires and negotiations are also being called Putin puppets.. when did the left become so pro war?
  2. It gets dark at like 4pm in December here. Canada will of course follow the US. Thank God. Winter is so depressing here
  3. https://www.bandlab.com/revisions/53842551-e6a4-ec11-a99b-501ac512ad32 Added a longer outro section. It is complete. I am a musical goddess.
  4. if you're love me you would listen.
  5. what makes it an ACTUAL peer reviewed study? A peer reviewed study is a study peer reviewed by peers. lmao. Who cares what fucking site hosts the study? It was REVEWIED BY DOCTORS IN THE FIELD.
  6. Thanks dudes 😀
  7. Really? Ukraine labs: Following the breakup of the Soviet Union, US-funded biolabs were established in Ukraine — partly to secure old weapons left behind in the former Soviet republics. The State Department has described the claims as nonsense — and the US and Ukrainian governments have repeatedly, and for years now, tried to bat down conspiracy theories about the labs and spoken about the work that is actually being done in them https://www.cnn.com/europe/live-news/ukraine-russia-putin-news-03-10-22/index.html
  8. So Mitt Romney thinks it's treasonous to repeat state depsrtment comments. The biolaba exist, they contain deadly pathogens and it would be bad if they were destroyed and or came under Russian control. Not sure what the fuck is going on here but I'm not seeing the treasonous aspect of what Gabbard said. Maybe @Goukosancan enlighten us. She didn't say anything about bio weapons. And also, the US is not at war with Russia, how can any of this be treason 😂
  9. The ever moving goal posts Sponsored by Jehurey the dumbfuckiest fucktard on the Internet
  10. https://www.bandlab.com/revisions/623946d4-0da4-ec11-a507-501ac512b76 Unravelled. My most epic yet.
  11. Weird how he says it's a MASSIVE study with hundreds of thousands of people lol. And peer reviewed. Keep wiggling you disgusting little worm. You know there is a vendetta against ivermectin by big Pharma and by proxy, government, so they could keep using vaccines under EUA. The EUA was only valid if no other alternatives existed. What better way to make an alternative go away then by slandering it, hiding information, and censoring all talk about it on social media platforms. Whodathunkit
  12. Why aren't the Russian vehicles fighting back? We're they abandoned? Lol. But that looks like fun.
  13. Cooke

    Steam Deck HBR

    Humour is subjective. It's a well known fact that Marxists are serious sad slobs.
  14. Cooke

    Steam Deck HBR

    You have the humor levels of a loaf of bread. Lighten up
  15. Cooke

    Steam Deck HBR

    It's hilarious how everyone takes everything I say as literal. Especially Remy.
  16. "Almost like the evidence was suppressed "
  17. Exactly. And she doesn't say they are weapons labs. It's almost like he didn't actually watch her statement. Weird.
  18. It's like you didn't even watch Tulsi '÷ video gouk
  19. How is it a conspiracy if these labs exist? What's the conspiracy? I don't get it. We know the US government is funding biolabs in Ukraine. Whether they are making bio weapons is another thing completely. What are they doing at these labs? Or are you claiming they don't exist because fire crotch said so?
  20. Why are you so trusting of your government and legacy media? For real, how many times do you have to be lied to? Anyways this biolab stuff is a sideshow. I don't care. Russia is using it as an excuse. But yeah they exist. Russia and China have them too. Nothing new here.
  21. https://www.bandlab.com/revisions/46112b2e-56a2-ec11-a507-501ac512b761 It is complete.
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