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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. You want evidence the vaccines have side effects? I posted that. You are the only claiming they had no adverse effects whatsoever. You are wrong and then started doing your typical jehurey flailing like a chicken with its head cut off.
  2. What business group? Wtf are you even talking about? God you're dumber than I thought. Is this your game? When you can't bullshit you're way out of an discussion you just act like a crazy person with nonsensical sentences and emojis? The FLCCC is the Front line Covid Critical Care. It is a non profit medical group that was formed VERY early in the pandemic to come up with viable methods to treat covid patients before any known antivirals or vaccines existed. Oh teh conflicts of interest. Ya dumb shit.
  3. He literally shows you the paper and goes through it right in front of your eyes. I made it so easy, yet you want to complicate it. Your brain must be a fucking squirrel party.
  4. I think this is a question for yourself jehurey
  5. Day one he cancelled it. North America would be stronger energy wise if it were competed.
  6. They aren't SELLING it. There is no financial gain. It's a generic drug. These doctors arent making the drug, and even if they were, 1 dose of molnipiravir is equal to over 26000 doses of ivermectin. Both have similar efficacy rates and safety profile. Both have similar methods of action too.
  7. So, you're just going to ignore Keystone XL then?
  8. Dr Campbell goes through the papers for Dr Jehurey and Dr Remy
  9. Explain how they benefit goukosan? The drug is literally cheaper than the packing it comes in. The conflict of interest comes from big Pharma trying to bury it so they can sell remdesevir and molnupiravir for 300/800 dollars per dose instead of 3 cents a dose. Are you starting to see the bigger picture now sweetie?
  10. That is not a fucking conflict of interest. you are the dumbest piece of shit garbage human being I've ever spoken to. They have an INTEREST in it succeeding yes! but that is not a fucking conflict. They do not gain anything from it, they do not make money from it. They are doctors trying to save fucking lives. Fuck you are awful. Better not drink water if a doctor tells you to drink more cause they might be in the big tap water industry.
  11. Apparently a Russian general was killed today, that's the second one in 5 days.
  12. So because they are using ivermectin in their protocols very early on in Covid that means they have some sort of financial gain from this? What are you even trying to say here? A doctor that prescribes Tylenol can't be involved in a study on Tylenol for off label use? Are you dumb jehurey or just pretending to be? This is about saving as many lives as possible, if you want to make it a gotcha political moment then you're a fucking idiot.
  13. It justice doesn't draw me in. The voice acting is kind of annoying. I'm sure it's a fine game but the style just feels worn out now. Once was enough
  14. I did. I don't like it as much as octopath
  15. So glad my truck is in the shop and they gave me a hybrid loaner lol. This is fucking insane. Anybody paying more than that?
  16. Results: Of the 223,128 citizens of Itajaí considered for the study, a total of 159,561 subjects were included in the analysis: 113,845 (71.3%) regular ivermectin users and 45,716 (23.3%) non-users. Of these, 4,311 ivermectin users were infected, among which 4,197 were from the city of Itajaí (3.7% infection rate), and 3,034 non-users (from Itajaí) were infected (6.6% infection rate), with a 44% reduction in COVID-19 infection rate (risk ratio [RR], 0.56; 95% confidence interval (95% CI), 0.53-0.58; p < 0.0001). Using PSM, two cohorts of 3,034 subjects suffering from COVID-19 infection were
  17. You still haven't disputed any of the findings jehurey, you are simply trying to discredit it because you're a douchebag like that. It's interesting how you can do that with this but then just broadly accept whatever Pfizer or Moderna tells you. The shallowness of your critical thinking is astounding
  18. Is there any logical reason why you wouldn't want a very cheap and widely available therapeutic to not work?
  19. Nothing has backfired sweetie. You didn't dispute this peer reviewed long running study by claiming I'm anto vax.. Which I'm not. I'm fully vaccinated honey booboo. What I'm anti big Pharma and government acting like authoritarian douchebags with our health. All options should be available. Medicine is not a one size fits all thing. Never has, never will be, no matter how much Pharmaceutical companies and their compromised government official friends tell you otherwise. By the way, did you see who the new FDA pick is? No conflicts there lol.
  20. Lol switch is 5 years old. Slime Dick is brand fucking new.
  21. Big ivermectin.. LMAO the packaging costs more than the medicine 😂
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