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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. And nintendo https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2022/03/nintendo-eshop-payments-suspended-in-russia
  2. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1077156353089323/permalink/1198602194278071/
  3. https://www.ign.com/articles/kirby-forgotten-land-demo
  4. They wanted it sealed for 75 years. There are 9 page's of reported side effects and adverse reactions and over 1000 deaths in the US in a 3 month reporting interval with over 40000 reported incidents. I think we can safely say there are side effects.
  5. You honestly don't see the likeness?
  6. The only thing I would use it for is to plug into a TV while working out of town. Playing games designed for PC on that screen is just puke.
  7. We were given similar numbers for the adult vaccines which quickly diminished. Especially the Pfizer one was submitted 40% after a couple months with delta. This is what happens when you don't have long term testing
  8. "Turns out vaccinating kids was pretty much a waste of time and the risk to them from vaccine injury was completely unjustified. The doses were too weak, but if they made them more potent it could harm a much higher percentage of kids. And they are the least at risk group for covid complications. " my very first point was that it was pointless and it continues to be pointless.
  9. Oh man, those socialist swedes with modern healthcare and some of the best healthcare outcomes in the world. Why would they do this!? https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/sweden-decides-against-recommending-covid-vaccines-kids-aged-5-12-2022-01-27/ "With the knowledge we have today, with a low risk for serious disease for kids, we don't see any clear benefit with vaccinating them," Health Agency official Britta Bjorkholm told a news conference. She added that the decision could be revisited if the research changed or if a new variant changed the pandemic. K
  10. The CDC and FDA don't conduct their own testing and studies either dumb shit. They rely on the information provided by the pharmaceutical companies. If Pfizer had said this vaccine has an efficacy of 12% after 28 days do you fucking think it would be approved under an EUA? All FDA does is analyze the data provided by Pfizer. And Pfizer doesn't run the study either. They farm it out to a 3rd party. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-018-04163-8 And you know these companies are going to want to provide positive results to big Pharma so they can acquire future work co
  11. It's probably cancelled. What would be the point now? Focus on switch 2 or whatever it will be called.
  12. The fucking truth is the vaccine has a 12% efficacy rate when they said it was 90.7%. OK? Is that truthy enough for you jehurey?
  13. A youtuber.. He's an actual Dr. A highly very regarded one lol. Omg don't watch YouTube. Trust the TV only!! Fuck you're dumb. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vinay_Prasad
  14. Good lord you people have so much trust in the FDA it's frightening. It's like oxycotin didn't happen. And every other drug they have approved and recalled years later. Half the FDA's funding comes from the fucking companies it's supposed to regulate. Nope, no conflict of interest there. Just keep trusting massive corporations and government, they always have you best interest's at heart. My God you guys are naive. https://today.uconn.edu/2021/05/why-is-the-fda-funded-in-part-by-the-companies-it-regulates-2/
  15. How can you prove no long term risk based on zero available data? These vaccines were approved under a emergency use authorization. Is there really an emergency to children right now that we need to vaccinate them using a vaccine based off a viral strain from 2020 that has extremely low efficacy? WHAT IS THE POINT?!
  16. There are no known side effects? ,https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/safety/adverse-events.html They are rare. But they do exist. It's really not so complicated jehurey. If you have a child that is at risk for covid then get them vaccinated. If they are healthy and they have a robust normal immune system then there really is no point. All it does is expose them to another form of risk for extremely low benefit. 12% effectiveness after 28 days? Seriously, what is the point?
  17. Im not lying. An adverse affect is an adverse affect. Covid poses a risk to children with comorbidities. Not healthy ones. There is a risk to getting sick but there's also a risk of vaccine injury. No medical procedure has zero risk. What planet do you live on? It's fucking Pfizer for fucks sakes. Did they not have to pay out billions in damages because they lied about the safety of one of their drugs? If you have a perfectly healthy child who has a 99.999789% chance of surviving covid, would you honestly get them vaccinated even though we have no long term studies of mRNA vaccine
  18. If you can say covid is a risk to children you can say the same thing for the vaccine. Im not saying don't vaccinate. It should be a more focused approach on kids with compromised immune systems and comorbidities. The vast majority do not need it. Covid19 presents itself as a very mild disease in chikdren. Since the beginnings of the pandemic there have been only 19 deaths to children 12 and under in Canada. That's less than 1 per month. Meanwhile 80+ is 21,545. These groups cannot be treated the same. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1228632/number-covid-deaths-canada-by-age/
  19. If covid is at little to no risk then it's not justified. There's a reason they made the doses much weaker for children. And the company’s final numbers, submitted to the FDA, show that the pediatric dose was 90.7 percent effective at preventing symptomatic cases of COVID-19 in this age group in the few months after inoculation, including over the summer, against the Delta coronavirus variant. The low dose’s side effects were also the standard stuff that’s been seen in older children and young adults—arm pain, fatigue, headaches—but many of them were milder and more tolerable. (T
  20. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/02/28/pfizer-covid-vaccine-was-just-12percent-effective-against-omicron-in-kids-5-to-11-study-finds.html Turns out vaccinating kids was pretty much a waste of time and the risk to them from vaccine injury was completely unjustified. The doses were too weak, but if they made them more potent it could harm a much higher percentage of kids. And they are the least at risk group for covid complications.
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