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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. I'm anti government overreach. What propaganda does someone who wants less government follow? Propaganda usually comes from the government and parroted by the media.
  2. Not really an answer to what I said but Ok. Fox news is sensationalist tabloid news.
  3. I wasn't against occupy at all and I wasn't against BLM protests. I was against BLM and Antifa smashing windows, burning buildings, creating autonomous zones in cities and then getting millions of dollars in donations that haven't gone anywhere useful.
  4. Aww honey poo. Are the scary bad racist white supremacist Nazi hitlers all gone? You can sleep now? Don't let a bouncy castle and Canadian flag disturb you too much sweetie
  5. What would you like it to be called? Strange how another accomplice of Maxwell kills himself in prison, cameras mysteriously don't work and hardly a peep out of the news media.
  6. Yeah Trump the puppet.. Lol. It would seem Putin prefers weak democratic presidents.
  7. How do you even believe the words you are saying? Tinfoil hat jehurey conspiracy theorist living in mom's basement
  8. That's a stretch and you know it. https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2021/11/09/trump-collusion-indictment-false-accusations/6336510001/ A ping off a server is meaningless. It's funny how it went from Russia actively working with Trump to get him elected to a ping off a server at a bank.
  9. holy bootlicker seriously you're talking about 5g microchips? you actually thing thats what this is about? lmao, that was some weird ass conspiracy shit from 2020. The trump vaccines that no one wanted to take
  10. The thing that bothers me most is the HUD. There's just too much going on all the time. Lots of text everywhere
  11. There is a politics section. https://systemwars.net/bb/forum/62-forum/
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