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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. There is a politics section. https://systemwars.net/bb/forum/62-forum/
  2. Playing the trial on S. Much better than I was expecting
  3. He's a fucking joke. Oh and that woman the police horses trampled was a Mohawk nation elder.
  4. How can anyone actually like Hilary Clinton? Honestly. What appealing quality does she have? It's definitely not honesty, or restraint when dropping bombs on brown kids.
  5. Imagine if BLM supporter bank accounts were frozen and all their personal info released on Twitter and Twitter doing nothing to stop hacked information from being used. Weird how the hunter biden laptop was worth censoring the NY Post, even though the laptop wasnt hacked. The hypocrisy continues to reach new levels of absurdity
  6. i am sick to my stomach as to what is happening to my country. And people are cheering it on like good little NPCs
  7. Guest mode.. Interesting! Maybe I'll try that out. Chromecast is only 30 bucks and if it doesn't work I can just return it. Thanks
  8. Would that work in a place without reception?
  9. Yeah I can. Just wanted to use this monitor because it's very low power and runs off USB. I can plug switch into it and it thinks it's docked without the dock.
  10. Blah so I'm fucked haha. Thanks
  11. I'd need to buy a dock and the link google gives doesn't even work lol.
  12. probably the best lyrics ever but really, just stumbled on this band. Each album has a unique vibe, the first EP is very Radiohead, then they go alt dance like Bob Moses, and now this one is kinda Talking Heads. So sick. @-GD-X the groove in this one is sublime very bob moses their radioheadish stuff
  13. Im looking for a solution. I have a monitor i want to put in my truck camper and im usually going places with no reception. Does the chromecast allow me to stream from my phone to the monitor without wifi or data? Fuck google for not allowing video out through USB like samsung dex. Basically i just want to be able to watch downloaded Netflix shows with no reception or wifi.
  14. He has a script for everything. He's a glorified speech reader, that's all he does. Even telling a Jewish woman she stands with nazis, he doesn't even realize what he's doing because he's just an empty shell with nice hair. If you watch the video of him talking about the war measures act you see a chrystia FREELAND (ironic last name) mouthing all the words Trudeau is saying behind her mask. I'm starting to think she's the one in charge.
  15. lol defaced the terry fox statue.. defaced means something a little more permanent than a flag this happened in vancouver yesterday. this is defacing a fucking statue you tit. What does the government or police do.. absolutely nothing, because they are antifa blm type people and thats OK for some reason. DO you condone this jehurey
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