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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. A new monolith game possibly. And maybe the Luigi's mansion devs. Nintendo bought them awhile ago.
  2. One governor is literally trump for removing mask mandates, the other is praised a week later by the same network. Could it be based on one being a D and the other R?
  3. If I do will you type out the evidence it came from a wet market?
  4. You don't remember me saying in the beginning we should do a complete short term lockdown rather than the half assed one we did? I said it several times man. All we ended up with was the same amount of transmission plus all the extra bullshit for 2 years. I'll try to dig up that thread if I can find it. You ridiculed me over it.
  5. And dumber keeps getting dumber. I'm communicating with a potato. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2022/02/09/early-lab-grown-covid-virus-found-sample-lends-weight-wuhan/ More evidence https://nypost.com/2022/01/24/emails-reveal-suspected-covid-leaked-from-a-wuhan-lab-then-censored-themselves/ https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/theres-more-evidence-that-covid-19-started-in-a-lab-expert-says/ar-AAKnEqd
  6. Have her shit in your mouth but then make out with her and swap the shit between your mouths with your tongues.
  7. The fact is we don't know which theory is true. But one was deemed unacceptable to even talk about even with evidence pointing in that direction. https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/media/the-media-called-the-lab-leak-story-a-conspiracy-theory-now-its-prompted-corrections--and-serious-new-reporting/2021/06/10/c93972e6-c7b2-11eb-a11b-6c6191ccd599_story.html
  8. Omfg I don't think I've ever talked to two people more obtuse than goukosan and jehurey. Where's the proof it came from the racist wet market theory? Hmmm? Where???
  9. Once again. That's not the fucking point. The point is censorship which you seem to be all for. Both theories are speculative you fucking gimp. Thats why it's a THEORY
  10. Do you believe in free and open discourse? Or are you a Nazi? Nazi's don't like narratives being questioned. You must be a Nazi.
  11. Omg. You people are so fucking dense. Can you say how the pandemic started? Please tell me the FACTS on how it started. You can't. Because it's still theories. What you turds don't seem to get is why was one theory OK to talk about and the other banned from social media and called a conspiracy theory?
  12. Have you been living under a rock? Like seriously how do you not know any of this unless your only source for information is MSNBC and CNN? https://www.bmj.com/content/374/bmj.n1656 https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/lilley-emails-show-rejection-of-wuhan-lab-leak-theory-pure-politics-from-outset It's not about if it's true or not. We don't know yet. What was true was a coordinated effort to shut down all discussion with zero evidence the virus came from the racist wet market theory.
  13. Stop trying to derail this. This is about why the media had a coordinated effort to explain away a pandemic origin as a conspiracy theory based on zero evidence to counter that theory. And now we know it is extremely plausible it came from a lab. Even Fauci's own emails admit this. Stop making this into something it's not like to you always do.
  14. Most evidence points to a lab leak. Whether it is intentional or not is not even the point.
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