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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Government here just extended vaccine passports for another 6 months based off of zero evidence they do anything to curb the spread. Not a single news outlet journalist questioned this during the news conference. What the fuck happened to journalists? All they do is parrot what the government says, even if it's incorrect. They don't fact check, they don't investigate. It's so depressing.
  2. Just compare the sales numbers of the franchises. The Activision/blizzard ones are much bigger.
  3. To be anti mandate is to be against vaccines. There's no grey area anymore, no nuance. It's do what we say or you are an evil piece of shit grandma killer. It's this kind of shit that divides people and creates extremes on both ends of the political spectrum.
  4. You're conflating things gouk. The effectiveness and efficacy are 2 different things. 93% effective at preventing delta just means they didn't get it, but when you're not showing the baseline of what % of unvaccinated also didn't get delta, it's meaningless. You could say 90.5% of unvaccinated didn't get delta in the same time period and that would be 90.5% effective. We were told from the very beginning the vaccines would prevent infection and transmission. This was a lie that millions of people just went along with. And here you are still trying to tow the party line like the go
  5. I said IF TRUE. I know what preprint is fucktard.
  6. No. You shut the fuck up and obey. Peasant. What in the medrx study is misinformation? Stop parroting msnpc.
  7. https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.12.30.21268565v1#disqus_thread This is pretty damning if true Conclusions Two doses of COVID-19 vaccines are unlikely to protect against infection by Omicron. A third dose provides some protection in the immediate term, but substantially less than against Delta. Our results may be confounded by behaviours that we were unable to account for in our analyses. Further research is needed to examine protection against severe outcomes.
  8. The European health agency says multiple shots will weaken immune systems. But they will find away to keep pumping us full of this garbage.
  9. You don't mind your government bullshitting you endlessly?
  10. In terms of tone and cinematography and intrigue it reminds me of Homecoming
  11. Lol must be nice to be able to go to movie theatres. Canada sucks ass. Haven't been in 2 years.
  12. Please tell you like Nancy Pelosi 😄 rich bitch been in office for a hundred years and does performance gestures to stay in power meanwhile is a pro at insider trading making 10s of millions of dollars. If anyone is a cunt rag it's her. "Ooh look at my 20k fridges full of designer brand icecream peasants" .
  13. Just trying to pass the time living in a dictatorship.
  14. Why are they protesting? Just another dictator that needs to be overthrown?
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