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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Complaining about extra content you don't have to do. Ok
  2. "we know the vaccinated are still getting infected and transmitting the virus" Why do I keep hearing these opposing statements out of the same mouths in government officials and news broadcasts.? Do they not see it's contradictory? I was just listening to my local news radio and the news anchor was talking about how vaccinated and boosted people are catching covid at the same rate as unvaccinated ans then 5 minutes later in a different segment says everyone should get the vaccine to stop the spread. Seriously wtf is going on?
  3. Nope. This is the first thread I've made on the duck browser. That was about opera.
  4. You must be having dreams about me.
  5. Metroid Dread Forza Horizon 5 Aoe4 Diablo 2 remaster Mass effect trilogy remaster
  6. Started using it yesterday. It's pretty much identical to chrome in terms of layout. But is completely private, blocks all sorts of garbage. Tells you everytime a site is trying to track you and it blocks it. Try it out 👍
  7. they havent made a good movie since the original matrix but studios keep giving them money to make more garbage. Kind of like M Night, except hes made a few good ones after his drought.
  8. The cinematography and fight scenes are huge dropoff from the OG.
  9. Well of just you died then you would have no idea the rest of us are still enjoying life. Not that I want you to die, but wishing for all of us to die is kind of rude.
  10. You have the amazing ability to have zero nuance on any subject. You are binary as fuck gouk. Grow the fuck up.
  11. Lol. I said most of Europe and Canada and northern US. So you start posting southern states where it's hot as fuck and people spend more time inside during heat waves. Lol nice try
  12. Where in Europe was there huge spikes in the summer of 2020? Care to go look at the numbers for yourself? https://www.google.com/search?q=germany+covid+&client=opera&hs=9tY&sxsrf=AOaemvK1oMjps4yFEPD1nuht1OHFATpzQQ%3A1640928305488&ei=MZTOYe6nHcyw0PEPu6-5wA8&ved=0ahUKEwiuhICmpo31AhVMGDQIHbtXDvgQ4dUDCA4&uact=5&oq=germany+covid+&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyBwgAELEDEEMyBwgAELEDEEMyBAgAEEMyBwgAELEDEEMyCggAELEDEIMBEEMyBwgAELEDEEMyCggAELEDEMkDEEMyBwgAELEDEEMyBAgAEEMyBAgAEEM6BAgjECc6EAguELEDEIMBEMcBENEDEEM6BwguELEDEEM6CAgAEIAEELEDOgUIABCRAjoKCAAQgAQQhwIQFDoFCAAQgA
  13. You claimed I said covid would be GONE by summer. When I said it will get better in the summer and get bad again in the fall. We don't have a flu season in the summer because people are less likely to be indoors in most environments. We know covid spreads far more easily indoors, please for the love of God you must agree with this basic fact right? In most places covid did drop in the summer, particularly northern states and Canada and most of Europe. I swear it's like you love covid and want it to continue to own people that says it's going to e
  14. The fuck are you talking about? Show me it was spread OUTSIDE and not indoors where people were working and living with their families. Have you ever thought that maybe places where it was hot when it was spread is because they went inside for the AC and coincidentally a covid infection? You are like the antichrist of lies. https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2021/04/13/covid-outside-safety/ Everyone with moderate intelligence understands coronaviruses have a far more difficult time spreading in larger volumes of air and circulation
  15. Youre lying. I said it will get better in the summer as more people are outside, the virus can't spread outside and sunshine helps. The summer of 2020 was great for the most part, same with 2021 until Delta hit. I said it would become seasonal, which it also did. I said it would mutate into a less virulent form, also correct. I said vaccines wouldn't end the pandemic, correct again! Maybe try to pay attention.
  16. Never said it would be GONE in the summer. Nor did I say 2 weeks to flatten the curve and 2 shots will prevent you from getting and spreading covid.
  17. It's been fucking political since day fucking one. Trump, Biden, Trudeau, DeSantis, Cuomo, etc, doesn't fucking matter. They make policies based off public opinion rather than actual science.
  18. How do you rate the fucking matrix movies from best to worst? Holy fuck
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