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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. What does that have to do with what I said?
  2. People keep forgetting the reason people actually DIE from covid. Mississippi is the fattest fucking place on earth and obesity is the number 1 comorbidity. If the vaccine was the leading factor in preventing death then New Jersey wouldnt be the 3rd state on the list. Everyone talks about Florida but they are 10th.. behind New York, New Jersey, Arizona, Georgia, and just above Massachusetts. If our governments actually cared about our health they would be talking about ALL ways to prevent covid deaths, instead all eggs are in one fucking basket with vaccines that last barely 6 months, dont s
  3. It was white supremacy obviously
  4. lmao this was about ugly ass lead game characters and then the communists decided to make it an LGBT issue like they fucking care about LGBTQ people. Yall only fucking care if they vote the same way you to fucking hypocrites.
  5. https://www.reuters.com/legal/government/wait-what-fda-wants-55-years-process-foia-request-over-vaccine-data-2021-11-18/?s=09 So they can approve a vaccine in months but it takes 55 years to release the documents on why they approved the vaccine?
  6. Shes butt fucking uuuuuugly. Videogames used to be about escapism, now it's about representation of reality. I see enough ugly people in my day to day, don't need them to be the main characters in videogames 🤣
  7. I don't even know if she is a lesbo but she looks like if Ellen, Rapinoe and Maddow had a three some with a sperm sample.
  8. You question I am gay because of how I act. As if you are the arbiter of gay people and know how they should think and act. Fuck off homophobe.
  9. Lmao here comes the stereotypes. Sorry bro, I don't fit in your stereotypical boxes you homophobe.
  10. the "may i speak to the manager" lesbo look. ugh. Im sure its great but fuck why make her look this awful. She looks like a worn out lesbian.
  11. yeah they put pc parts in a fucking giant case.. well done! amazing
  12. The Hunted https://www.bandlab.com/revisions/f14eaf20-e248-ec11-9820-e42aac7a5303
  13. Managed to get a jet boat ride home. So tired. Still a couple thousand trapped
  14. Metroid should be in the best audio design too. Incredible audio.
  15. Even if they clear the slide. And more rain for the next 4 days
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