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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. blade runner made 260 million bucks.. 110 million over budget. Thats hardly a tank. unless they spent 100 million on advertising, who knows.
  2. And defenders of shit like this will say "oh they are just volunteers" like it doesn't set a precedent cause stupid leftists fail to see patterns and can't predict future events based on current ones.
  3. https://thehill.com/changing-america/well-being/medical-advances/578086-bipartisan-legislators-demand-answers-from-fauci Bipartisan legislators demand answers from Fauci on 'cruel' puppy experiments "Our investigators show that Fauci’s NIH division shipped part of a $375,800 grant to a lab in Tunisia to drug beagles and lock their heads in mesh cages filled with hungry sand flies so that the insects could eat them alive," White Coat Waste said. I feel sick to my stomach
  4. Dude.. it literally comes to 420 million. That's 80 million less than half a billion. Basic math bro. The problem is twinblade called it half a billion. But the article says 420 lol.
  5. Yeah and Zuckerberg is the only one to donate to the Democrats... Also try using a calculator
  6. Shoulda got vaccinated
  7. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/nih-acknowledges-us-funded-gain-of-function-wuhan-lab-despite-faucis-denials So now that Fauci lied to the Senate will be be charged?
  8. He he he it's like you pretend people don't act like this in real life. https://torontosun.com/news/world/woke-watch-student-at-80gs-college-left-scared-and-confused-by-cisgender-construction-workers
  9. The way you type is triggering. We need to remove you from our safe space
  10. A little sad there are far less civilizations to play, but yes I'm looking forward to it.. for free on gamepass. I would like Vikings, Celts, Mayans, and Egyptians to be added. 🙂
  11. i wonder if the people that bought it read any of the comments on there.. its quite a disturbing pedo loving dystopia.
  12. fuck now i have to wait up to 15 days for my physical free copy to arrive ugh. Maybe ill just buy a digital copy and keep the physical one sealed
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