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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. You do it all the time. Just playing by the jehurey rules. Also the CDC and FDA doesn't say how many shots you need, they just approve what Pfizer and Moderna request. Back to my original point. Do you think we should be "vaccinating" children as young as 1 to save elderly people? Im using the term vaccine loosely now because technically these aren't even proper vaccines. a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a
  2. If Anthony Fauci told you you need 14 shots of Pfizer in 14 days would you get 14 shots in 14 days?
  3. I notice it lacks the green and blue hues
  4. I had a feeling you were going to do this rather than actually acknowledge the data.
  5. So should we go ahead with vaccinated children to protect elderly people? Children are more important than old people right? At least I hope that's what you guys think.
  6. weird how new york had more deaths than all of canada x2 with half the population. Great job there guys.
  7. hmm who can we blame in new york that had terrible poilicies that killed 10 000 or more people.. hmmmm gee i dunno Thats 1 state with a shit governor. You are now only dealing with 40% unvaccinated, which means its a much smaller population. If pretty much every state wasnt overrun when there was ZERO % vaxxed, why the fuck would they get overrun now? It makes no fucking sense. You should have 60% less cases, 60% less deaths. But thats not happening because THE VACCINES ARE LEAKY GARBAGE CAN THERAPEUTICS AND ARE NOT IN ANY SHAPE OR FORM AN ACTUALY
  8. It's 100% unvaccinated didn't overrun hospitals to any large degree then 40% definitely won't. Do the math
  9. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/wild-us-deer-found-with-coronavirus-antibodies Looks like deer are carrying it too. @jehurey
  10. I have a feeling the ndp are going to take too much away from him and the cons will win a minority .
  11. god damn im so sick of that tool. So glad he called an election to kick himself out of office.
  12. I see its on gamepass, 80 on MC. thoughts?
  13. Of course no MSM cover is. CBS News top headline is Jill Biden going back to school. MSNBC Still talking about Trump lol
  14. it would if it didnt think the switch was docked 🙂 and in that case it would be a horrible experience
  15. just looking at the cast.. didnt realize so many original cast members were returning
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